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Hello friends and family of the Uganda team!!

Hello friends and family of the Uganda team!!

What a joy it is to be writing this report. The Uganda team is doing incredibly well. We as a leadership are so proud of their hard work, and the way they are adjusting to Boot Camp and the other team members.

Arrival day went very well. We did have a pretty crazy rain storm come through, but the kids took it all in stride and had a lot of laughs. Unfortunately, this did result in a few wet tents. The kids had awesome attitudes about this, and shared many groaning chuckles as they sponged out the water.

On Sunday they had Orientation classes and did well learning all about Teen Missions and Boot Camp! They ran the OC (Obstacle Course) and had a blast. They did well communicating and working together, especially at the wall. We did have a few falls in the slough, so we made sure to share with them about an extra pair of dry socks afterwards!

Today (Monday) is the first official day of their Boot Camp training classes. Today's classes are concrete, block laying, drama, and music! They did so well at the wall this morning, with getting 14 out of 20 team members over the wall!

Overall, they are all doing well. They are all getting along and learning a lot about each other. We as leaders enjoy getting to know them each.

Medically, everyone is good. A few with some scrapes and blisters. We are also encouraging them to drink LOTS of water! It has been very hot, humid, and rainy here the past few days.

All the kiddos say hi!! We will have some personal testimonies from the kids in the next report. Blessings!

Uganda arrived at Debrief
By: Teen Missions Staff
Farewell Uganda!
By: Uganda Team Leaders
Hello all!
By: Uganda Team Leaders