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Hello from team Zambia!

Things are going very well here in Merritt Island, FL. We have been getting quite a bit of rain here lately, but the team is taking it all in stride. It's been nice having the rain as it is helping to cool things down a lot!
Arrival Day and Orientation went well, even with lots of rain changing the schedule around. 
Altogether we have 20 team members and 4 leaders. Everyone is really getting along SO WELL!
Today is our first day of training! The team will have their medical training and some evangelistic training with drama and puppets. 
The team is doing well with spending time with one another and with being intentional of asking questions and moving around at meals to chat. 
Today they ran the OC (obstacle course) and did fantastically! They really unified together and rocked it. There were a few of those that got wet from the slough, but had great attitudes about it!
We as a team are really looking forward to the next days and the training ahead to prepare us for Zambia. 

Zambia (24012)

Zambia has settled in at Debrief!
By: TMI Staff
The Zambia team has arrived safely in New York.
By: TMI Staff
One final hello from team Zambia!!
By: Zambia Team Leader (12)