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Things are getting along quite well here in Florida.

Hello from Team Zambia!

Some days have been rainy, however, the last couple of days have been nothing more than a little drizzle. It is a little more humid than hot, but there have been some clouds hanging around in the sky that bring a bit of relief from the sun!

This past week has been a very special time for our team. We have certainly seen God move within this team already. He has answered prayers concerning peace and unity among us, and the team is getting along beautifully. They communicate and work together very well. The kids are all very respectful and encouraging to one another, and are overall just a blessing to those they encounter. Praise be to God!

They are all settled and getting used to life in Boot Camp. They have been crushing the OC! They received 1st place on Friday and 2nd place on Saturday. And Friday must have been a winning day for Zambia because alongside their OC win, they also collected a winning title from Miss Piggy! Zambia got 3rd place of all the teams for cleanliness. Wahoo!

Here's what some kids have to say about their boot camp experience thus far:

1. We won the obstacle course! It has been a great time being with the team and bonding.
- Rivers E.

2. I have learned so much and our team has united well. I also smell horrendous, but so does everyone else!
- Julia

3. Boot Camp has been super fun and our team has been getting along so well which makes it so much better. It has been great to see the community come together through God.
- Allani S.

4. Boot Camp has gone super well! It's incredible how God has brought our team together.
- Josh N.

5. I have already seen the Lord change my life. I have realized how much I take for granted at home.
- Maggie M.

This team is doing the work of the Lord, and we are excited to see the path that God directs us on and the work He will complete through us! Please continue your prayers for Team Zambia!

Zambia (24012)

Zambia has settled in at Debrief!
By: TMI Staff
The Zambia team has arrived safely in New York.
By: TMI Staff
One final hello from team Zambia!!
By: Zambia Team Leader (12)