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Hello from the beautiful town of Jawor, Poland!

Our team arrived at our destination safe and sound (and a little tired) at midnight last night; missing 5 of our bags, but otherwise in good spirits and health. Our flight out of Atlanta was delayed causing us to miss our already short connection in Paris. We all made it onto the next available flight to Warsaw, but some of our luggage apparently did not. We did, however, receive word from the airline today that they are expected to be delivered to our door tomorrow by noon, so we invite you to be praying with us for that to happen!

We all slept in this morning (Wednesday) to catch up on some sleep lost during travel, had some time to unpack, and then enjoyed the meal that the church had prepared for what was supposed to be our supper the night before. It was a delicious Polish vegetable soup with fresh bread! This afternoon the whole team went with one of our host church members on a walking tour of the town to see the 3 projects that we will be working on in the coming weeks: cleaning up an old Jewish cemetery, painting and renovating the building we are staying in, and laying wooden sub-floor and flooring in another building that the church will be moving into. They also had plenty of time to finish settling in, bathe, and catch up on verses and library reading before an early bedtime.

Tomorrow we plan to start our regular work schedule on two of the projects, and are looking forward to a barbecue at the park with the church members on Saturday afternoon.

Thank you all so much for your love, support, and prayers; we are excited to see what the Lord will do in and through us during our time here in Poland!

Poland (24007)

It’s our last day in Jawor!
By: Poland Team Leaders (11)
Nearly three weeks down and one to go here in Poland!
By: Poland Team Leaders (10)
Back to the daily grind in Poland!
By: Poland Team Leaders (9)