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Hello from the Brazil team!

What a blessing as a leader to meet your children—to have them on our team! (Just for parents to know, I'm Mrs. Mary, one of your children's head leaders). It has only been two days since they arrived, and I can honestly say that I can already tell the Lord is going to do great things this summer. When I pass other leaders and staff during the day, they ask me how our team is, and I just can't help but smile. What a great group the Lord has brought together!
Right now, our team is going through the first day of our regular schedule in training. Team Brazil was the first team to run the Obstacle Course this morning at 6:02 am. Some got wet when trying to swing over the Slough, but they seemed to have a good time and did well. We have 15 on our team (11 guys, 4 girls), and they have done a fabulous job working together and encouraging each other. 
The weather has been overcast. Today (Thursday) is the first day we've had sunshine. We had a lot of rain early yesterday, and with the weather being overcast, the temperature is a little cooler than normal with a nice breeze blowing through boot camp.
I believe the favorite part of the day so far has been the evening rallies. The Lord has been working in the hearts of the team members, and we've only been here barely 48 hours. Our praise and worship time is so special. Watching our team praise the Lord and fill the Big Top with songs is truly moving. The Lord is working in the hearts of your kids! He is also working in the hearts of the leaders, volunteers, and staff. 
Thank you for allowing your children to take this step of faith and commit their entire summer to serving the Lord with Teen Missions. Thank you for the privilege to be their leader (I know I can say that for our entire leadership team). We have myself and my husband as well as one female assistant and two male assistants. Our son, who is 9, is also coming with us. Please continue to pray for us, that the unity will continue to grow, and that we will continue to stay healthy and safe throughout each day. Pray that each team member will grow in their relationship with the Lord and that we will be well prepared for the ministry ahead of us in Brazil.
With each report, we will be sharing testimonies/messages from some of the team members, and below are our first three. We plan to have each team member share something at some point during Boot Camp and then again once we're on the field.
God bless you and thank you for your prayers!
Hey mom, hey dad. I miss you guys so much. Today we ran the Obstacle Course for the first time. I didn't fall into the Slough. The mosquitoes are pretty bad and the bug spray barely works. Tell the brothers I miss them.
Love,   Boaz
I have been liking everything that makes us uncomfortable. We're getting prepared to go to Brazil where they don't have all the luxuries we're used to. Boot camp shows me how nice we all have it back home.
Love, Judah 
Today was the first day of the OC (Obstacle Course). I fell into the Slough, but it was fun. I miss my family so much, but God is supplying me with love. We have been learning about how to use God in our lives and share Him with others. - Ethan 

Brazil (24001) Photo Album

Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
By: TMI Staff
Brazil Photo
By: Brazil Team Leaders
One Last Day in Belem
By: Brazil team Leaders (13)