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Hello from the Germany team!

We are all doing well and enjoying our work and ministry here in Nuremberg!The days are rushing by fast. It's hard to believe that our first week in Germany is almost over. The team has been doing so well together. Working hard and getting a lot done.

The weather has been such a beautiful change from the heat of Boot Camp. It has been cool in the 60's and low 70's and the past few days have been sunny. Our first few days here were kind of drizzly. It's very nice not sleeping in tents. YWAM has dorms and beds for our whole team which is amazing.

Everyone is doing well. There are a few runny noses and sore throats, but overall the team is great. We are eating lots of good food from our kitchen and the YWAM staff invite us to their daily tea and pastries time. We are all getting to eat lots of pretzels and breads.

Last week we continued our work on the YWAM base. We have been painting, plastering, and doing some other small things around their buildings here at the base.
The team has been very willing to jump in and get things done. YWAM staff can't believe how fast our team is working.

Yesterday our missionary Patchi, took us to see some sites in Nuremberg. We went to the Nuremberg Trials Museum, and the Imperial Castle. In between those we got some shopping in and enjoyed some amazing German Döners.

Today we went to our first church service and the team helped in so many ways. The church was an English speaking church that met in a movie theater. Our team helped set up and take down all the equipment. Some of the team helped in the children's program and some helped with greeting people and many other things too. Once again our team was so willing to jump in to help get everything done. Allie and Aiden both shared a testimony with the church as well.

In the past few days the team has been able to ride a train and the subway several times which has also been a highlight.

Sam M. - "What is my goody gang Germany is so fine! My team is stacked and I have gotten closer to God. Lots of love y'all"

Elizabeth S. - "Were finally in Germany! I'm so thankful to have a bed and a washing machine. The Lord is working in amazing ways already, and I'm so excited for everything that's yet to come! Miss y'all."

Germany (24003)

Germany is traveling
By: Germany Team Leaders (11)
Hello and greetings from cool Mohesee, Germany.
By: Germany Team Leaders (10)
Hello and greetings from cool Mohesee, Germany.
By: Germany Team Leaders (9)