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Hello from Zambia!


Wow, there’s lots to fill you all in on. Needless to say, travel was an adventure but we praise God that we are all here and safe!

We started off traveling from Orlando>New York>Nairobi

After a 12 hour layover and a bit of a delay we boarded our last flight to Lusaka, Zambia.
We landed around midnight on July 4th. After getting through immigration and getting our passports stamped, we quickly realized we were missing quite a few bags. 26 out of 47 were not there. We made a report and prayed together as a team. One of the airport agents made us aware that because our plane was so small, not all our bags were put on. She said the next flight from Nairobi would have them. We would just need to wait 10 more hours for said flight.

We made our way outside and met up with some of our missionary hosts, Thomas and Elliot. How exciting it was to see them! And our bus! We loaded up and slept on the bus for a few hours until the shops opened. We were able to make the kids some breakfast of PB&J sandwiches and yummy bananas, plus lots of water.We were also able to exchange some money before we made our way back to the airport.

Thomas went ahead of us and checked for our bags, and he came out and let us know all 26 had made it! After a few customs issues, we had all our bags and loaded the bus up.

As I write this report we are driving to Ndola, where the Teen Missions base is located. It’s expected to be about 6 hours or more potentially.

All of us are doing well, very tired, but good! We’re looking forward to being in Ndola for a few days before we head out to the bush. More updates and info to come! Thank you for your prayers!

Zambia (24012)

Zambia has settled in at Debrief!
By: TMI Staff
The Zambia team has arrived safely in New York.
By: TMI Staff
One final hello from team Zambia!!
By: Zambia Team Leader (12)