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Hi from team Zambia!

Our apologies for the late report, yesterday was a busy day for us!

Saturday we had our lovely Commissioning service, it was so fun to see some of you parents! Man, you guys truly blessed us with SO MANY goodies! The kids were able to party and then have snacks leftover for us to pack away to use for travel food in Zambia. What a blessing!

Sunday, the team worked on taking down the Big Top (circus tent we held rallies under). They were assisted by two other teams and were able to get it down right before lunch. And right before a big storm rolled in!!! Praise the Lord!

That afternoon the team worked on packing and sorting through their items to decide what all they wanted to take to Zambia. The lady leaders worked on sorting out all the food we will be taking over with us.

Today, (Monday) we finished packing out everything and as of the writing of this report, the bus is packed and all the kids are getting showered and changed into our travel clothes! We will be heading to the Orlando airport right after dinner. We will be there overnight until our flight tomorrow morning at 6 AM to JFK.

Some of the kids already started to make their phone calls home, but we will finish them up on the way to the airport! So, if you’re receiving any calls from strange area codes, it is probably our leader phones! :)

Overall, the team is doing well and we’re all so excited to be on our way soon! Though we’ve enjoyed our dorms which have some lovely AC, it’s kinda weird to be here at Boot Camp and it isn’t Boot Camp anymore.

Some of the kids were dealing with colds recently, but they’re all doing so good now. They’re working hard and really continuing to unify together!

Well, that’s all we will write for now. We appreciate your prayers for us as we travel. That there be no issues, delays, or complications! Also, please pray all 47 of our bags make it with us ALL THE WAY to Lusaka!

Much love from team Zambia!

Zambia (24012)

Zambia has settled in at Debrief!
By: TMI Staff
The Zambia team has arrived safely in New York.
By: TMI Staff
One final hello from team Zambia!!
By: Zambia Team Leader (12)