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Howdy from Team Zambia!

We are still going strong here in Merritt Island, Florida. The weather has been lovely (considering we are in Florida), with the beautiful sun making way through some very much needed clouds. Within the last couple days there has only been one real bout of rain that added a beautiful ambiance to our milkshake and pizza night!

 The kids had a very special opportunity to be able to watch a rocket and boosters launch from the NASA base that is a few miles down! It was very cool to witness, and the kids loved it! 

 The Zambia team has been doing very well in their classes as well. They did their very first Sunday School class yesterday and had so much fun! They learned how to speak to the kids they are going to see in Zambia using a skit, coloring, and very fun games! 

 They did their first music class yesterday as well! There are quite a few musicians on this team so it was quite a blessing to hear them come together in song to worship the Lord!

 Although we have not been able to get any more wins from Miss Piggy or the Obstacle Course, it has allowed the team to have special opportunities (additional training known as Special Blessings) to come together and learn how to work together to glorify God. 

 They have been doing well with these SB's. It helps that the team already works so well together, so this extra time allows for them to solidify their unity even more!

 The team, again, works beautifully together. In fact, they have been complimented many times by other leaders on how well they communicate and work together. We have got quite an amazing crew with these kids, for sure! 

 Here's what a few of the kids have to say about their experience so far:

 "The first week of Boot Camp has been awesome! So tiring but so worth it. I'm looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us."- Evan W.

 "All the teams here are so nice and our team is really bonding. I feel like I'm learning a lot in our classes preparing for the field and I'm having so much fun." - Grace M.

 “Boot Camp is amazing. Way better than any camp I've been to. Wish I could have started younger (tell your kids)!" - Benjamin S.

 "God has been so good to me these past few days! He's teaching me that I'm never alone when I believe and trust in Him." - Cory S.

 The Lord has been doing great things with this team, and we are all very excited to see how He continues His work as we plan on traveling overseas very soon! Wahoo!

 Please keep an eye on your phone Monday, July 1st! You should be receiving a phone call sometime throughout the day from a 321 area code. 

Zambia (24012)

Zambia has settled in at Debrief!
By: TMI Staff
The Zambia team has arrived safely in New York.
By: TMI Staff
One final hello from team Zambia!!
By: Zambia Team Leader (12)