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It's Boot Camp time here!

As of this morning, everything has been in full swing, and all the teams here have been incredibly busy. It has been raining on and off, but we're having a very sunny day today!
We ran the OC (Obstacle Course) at 6:14, which started well with us counting off the best out of all the teams at Elijah's Chariot, and then Chloe and Amy led the team in organizing the books of the Bible. After that, Hope led the team running up Mount Sinai and through Hezekiah's Tunnel until they reached the Slough. A lot of them jumped to grab ropes, and a lot fell in, so we have been making sure they get their feet dry so they can stay healthy! Amy, C-mart (Caden Martin), Clara, and a few others swung across the water and remained dry though, and all of them made it through the Maze and got across Jacob's Ladder and the Red Sea, but since the team stayed together they only had 20 seconds at the end to climb over the wall. 
After we ran the OC we enjoyed biscuits and gravy for breakfast, and then spent 30 minutes in God's Word. Afterward, the team had a class on Personal Evangelism and another on Bible View. 
We spent the rest of the time before lunch bucket-bathing and doing some laundry before we had turkey wraps for lunch. The team is now getting ready to serve the people of Tanzania with a medical class, and we are all excited about our music and drama classes this evening. 
We are especially excited about dinner since we've heard a rumor that we're having hamburgers, and still more excited for Rally after the praise and worship we had yesterday. We've been learning two 'Boot Camp Songs' every night, and yesterday we heard Seth Phippen present an excellent message over Romans 6 and the two kingdoms we can be part of, God's Kingdom of Light and Satan and the world's Kingdom of Darkness. We are all looking forward to hearing Ryan Fast's message tonight.
Afterward, we will debrief the day as a team by talking over how everything went and end in prayer before a very good night's sleep in our tent site, Jungle Hideaway!
Remember that our Rallies are streamed on YouTube at, and you can send emails to Team Members at an email specific to them. Each email contains the team number, followed by their first initial and last name Ex. Sarah Labs-

Tanzania (24006)

Greetings from Tanzania!
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (9)
We’re doing great in awesome Tanzania
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (8)
Hello everyone!
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (7)