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It's been another full, fast-moving week for Team Tanzania.

We completed the sidewalk circling the dining room building and poured most of the Tabernacle (Rally) building footer. Some of the team began preparing the steel for the columns. Every two days we help with watering the 200+ banana plants and over two dozen newly planted fruit trees. The team also began work on a Gazebo meeting place perched on a scenic overlook further north of the main campus.

The team did evangelism at Kideri village on Friday and Saturday. We showed films during the evenings. We shared a short program and then presented the 'Jesus' film. We could hear some of the crowd praying to receive Christ during the invitation after the film. Even though we returned to the TMI base late past our 'bed time'... it was worth it!

This morning, we were up early for a 7:00 am church service in Siha (up on Kilimanjaro). It gets cool in a hurry on the mountain. It was only 59 degrees! The church members loved our version of Jesu ni Wango... Lacey and Ben shared their testimonies and did a great job! After the service, the team was blessed with a special 'breakfast' provided by the church. So fun!

This afternoon, we celebrated Miss Gay's birthday with cake and ice cream. We plan to have our second bon-fire this evening as well.

Next week, is scheduled as our last full week on the work project so we hope to push hard and get as much done as possible.

Here's some testimonies from the team members:

This week has been great
with making concrete for the footer of a new structure we're building for the boot camps here in Tanzania! for seeing team members get more comfortable with sharing in devos
for attending a very welcoming congregation where in the Pastor invited us to his house to share a meal. Praise the Lord for a week of adventure, good health and through it all good humor! — Robbie

Hi everybody, my time in Tanzania has had many ups and downs but its been mostly ups making friends and having good leaders. We are going to go sightseeing soon and I hope its going to be a lot of fun... and I will tame a lion pride — Klint

Hello from Tanzania! This week we made lots of concrete and planted some mangos. We went out several times to do EV for the kids, and we showed the JESUS film too. It was great seeing the kids so invested in the movie. Throughout this trip I have learned to trust in Jesus and to follow whatever he has in store for me. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 has really stuck out to me because it says we shouldn't focus on our troubles for they will soon be gone but to fix our gaze on the things that we can't see for they will last forever. I am having a great time and everyone loved your cookies on the bus to the airport, Janelle. Bye! — Bizzy

Jambo everyone! This week we got to plant orange and mango trees. We also got to show the JESUS film to the kids. It was awesome to see the kids gathering from all around to see the movie. I really enjoy doing EV and sharing the gospel to everyone. Deuteronomy 31:8 has spoken to me that God is with me and will never leave me so I should never be discouraged or afraid. I can't wait to share what I learned to the people at home. To my family, I miss and love y'all. Happy Birthday Makai! I hope you had a great birthday! Miss you. —Naomi

Tanzania is on it’s way!
By: Tanzania Team Leaders
Final Days in Tanzania
By: Tanzania Team Leaders
Well, our time is coming to a close here in Tanzania.
By: Tanzania Team Leaders