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Our Boot Camp classes have been going very well.

This week we have had many classes including Advanced Evangelism, Puppets, Music, and Drama. The team has been getting along well and is forming good relationships while learning how to work as a team.  A lot of the team members enjoy drama and puppets. We have won Miss Piggy (the cleanest team at Boot Camp) two days in a row and got the privilege to eat dinner in the AC and have popsicles the days we won. It has been a lot of fun to listen to the cheers the team members come up with and present at the rally. The Obstacle Course (OC) has been a bit of a struggle as we have been disqualified every day several times on the course. Last night, after the Rally the teams watched the movie Mud, Sweat, and Cheers, which is about Teen Missions in the 80's. The teams enjoyed popcorn and staying up past lights out! This morning was our Galilean service, which was held out by the lake. We had worship and the speaker was on the floating platform in the water while watching the sunrise. The message in Luke 5, is the story where Jesus first calls his disciples.
The weather has been very hot, and muggy and we have had rain every other day. There are mosquitos everywhere, especially at our tent and eating sites in the evening. 
As Boot Camp goes on, our team is looking forward to trying hard to go through the OC without getting disqualified, pizza and milkshakes tonight, and the commissioning service at the end of the week!
Sam M. - What's up everybody? I'm doing great. I love my team and leaders. Thanks for all your prayers. 
Hannah G. - Despite the profuse sweating, unceasing heat, and extremely aggressive mosquitoes, Boot Camp is super fun. I especially love doing music and puppet classes. Shout out to my mom, dad, Louis, David, Moses, Foghorn, Hefty, Shitaki, Frapp, Scrooge, Latte, Dave Jr., and Obi Juan.
Aiden J. - Boot Camp is less miserable than I thought it was. I have a good team and hate all the mosquitoes and humidity. And after showering you can't tell if you're wet from sweating or showering. It's fun though, and worth it to share the Gospel.
Thomas O. - Hey fam, Boot Camp is going great. I don't think I have ever been so sweaty, we recently began classes and they are awesome. Miss you lots.
Micah L. - Boot Camp has so far been a lot of fun! I love the team so far and we are very unified! (for those praying at home)
Clara V. - Miss you family! Please send emails, you can't send them on the field. The days are slow, but it's an experience I'll be grateful for. Everyone here is nice and I'm safe and sound. Love you guys so much!
Jaxon O. - Hey guys, Boot Camp is going great. I have had a great time with my team. We won Miss Piggy's clean competition twice in a row. We're getting to know each other. We all love it.
Abigail O. - I love you, my beautiful mother. As a wise man once said, "Hang on you spider monkey". :)
Caleb A. - the leaders are great, the food is great, weather is mid. I am growing closer to God every day.  A verse that has been helping me through Boot Camp, is James 1:2-4.

Germany (24003)

Germany is traveling
By: Germany Team Leaders (11)
Hello and greetings from cool Mohesee, Germany.
By: Germany Team Leaders (10)
Hello and greetings from cool Mohesee, Germany.
By: Germany Team Leaders (9)