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Our preteen team is setting all kinds of records!

This morning when we ran the Obstacle Course, we completed the books of the Bible for the first time! We got nine people over the Wall, which is our best job yet. Our preteen team is setting all kinds of records!
We've been learning about the armor of God in our morning classes. We have our knight, named Sir Tim, come in to show us all of his armor.
We've been putting together a presentation that we will be performing in Honduras during our music classes. Today we learned a song in Spanish to sing in Honduras called "Yo Tengo Tanto".
A lot of our team members have been enjoying our work classes. Whether it is digging class, painting class, or serving special blessings, our team has had a blast working here all week.
We has been having a great time at the rally this week. We got first place in the Ms. Piggy competition so we are looking forward to eating our popsicle rewards at dinner tonight.
"Hi Mom and Dad, I miss you both and I'm having a fun time, but I hate the mosquitoes. I can't wait to see y'all again. I love you both. Bye"
Charlie Y.
"My favorite part of Boot Camp is rally because we get to worship and learn more about Jesus."
Rhya T.
"I really liked to do the Obstacle Course and lots of other stuff and I really hope that I am going again next year."
Emory M.

Honduras (24071)

Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
By: TMI Staff
Honduras team has arrived at Debrief
By: Honduras Team Leaders (12)
Greetings from the mountains of Santa Cruz.
By: Honduras Team Leaders (11)