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Praise the Lord! Only three more days of Boot Camp!

Praise the Lord! Only three more days of Boot Camp!

Thursday is our last day of training and we will spend Friday and Saturday helping take down things around Boot Camp and packing up.

The team members have really grown close and are learning to work together well. They are enjoying their puppet class, as well as their construction classes. They have also had the opportunity to learn to work together as a team serving a few team Special Blessings (aka SB's). It never hurts to have a little extra practice learning to work as a team!

The Boot Camp enjoyed cold chocolate milk shake on Sunday, along with delicious pizza made under Big Top #2 in our own TMI built pizza oven. The treats were enjoyed by all and the night finished with a movie, "Facing the Giants". It made for a later night getting to bed, but it was worth it. Although I have to admit that many of us were dragging a little on Monday. We also had a loud rainstorm come through the other night, which interrupted our sleep. But, we were thankful for the cool weather that it brought the next day.

Please continue to pray for us that we might keep our eyes on Jesus! We want to live each day for Him and rejoice in the day He has given us!

Tanzania is on it’s way!
By: Tanzania Team Leaders
Final Days in Tanzania
By: Tanzania Team Leaders
Well, our time is coming to a close here in Tanzania.
By: Tanzania Team Leaders