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Rainstorm in Uganda!

Rainstorm in Uganda!

Greetings from the muddy Uganda team! On Thursday morning we had a very unexpected rainstorm come through and completely drench us. The kids were doing their library reading time in the dining area while the lady leaders were preparing breakfast. Needless to say, the roof had a lot of unknown holes. The kids were grabbing all the kitchen bowls and moving tables to keep their books safe. It was a funny morning to say the least!

However, the rain stopped in time for the kids to head to the worksite. They battled dark red mud all day! However, they had awesome attitudes about. Some even got inventive and put plastic bags over their boots (Manny H).

The kids have continued making a lot of progress on the wall. They have finished laying the footer/foundation. Now each and every team member is working on brick laying. They’re making tons of progress each day and it’s awesome to see. Josiah M, Ava P, and Manny H have done an awesome job at teaching the others about brick laying!

The kids are looking forward to this weekend, and the different events we tentatively have planned! Tomorrow the kids will be visiting a local school with over 300 kids. They’ll be sharing a presentation with lots of puppets and dramas. They’ll also play games and teach some Bible lessons. They’re super excited.

We are also planning on traveling to a game park this Saturday for a Safari! It’s a pretty long ride, about 7-8 hours, but the kids are so excited. On Sunday afternoon we’re planning on going to the open markets for the kids to do some souvenir shopping. It’ll be a full weekend with a lot of travel, but we’re all looking forward to it.

Other than the work project the kids have been enjoying their classes. Each afternoon after lunch they have Bible Study on the book of Ephesians. Mr. Spencer has been leading it for us and doing a great job. He has even tasked some of the kids to help teach! It’s been a cool and growing time.

The team also enjoys ‘GGs’ each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This is guy time and girl time. All the boys go with Mr. Spencer and Mr. Judah, and all the girls go with Ms. Lane and Ms. Emily. We all enjoy this time together, and there has been so much fruitful conversation and growth as young men and women.

After being in Uganda for a little over two weeks, we as a leadership felt it was needed to have a special time together as a team. There have been certain disagreements and arguments among the kids, and we wanted to make sure they worked these things out. Mr. Spencer led us in a time of confession, repentance, and prayer and it was very growing for us all. We all feel much closer as a team, and I know God is continuing to unify us all together.

During evening devotions we have enjoyed hearing from count offs 8-10, (Josiah B, Rebekah M, and Jonathan S).

Overall, the team is doing well! We’re so proud of their growth and progress. They all miss you guys and talk about you often. They’re excited to share all their fun stories when they return home. On the next report I was share a small note from everyone about their Safari experiences!


Uganda arrived at Debrief
By: Teen Missions Staff
Farewell Uganda!
By: Uganda Team Leaders
Hello all!
By: Uganda Team Leaders