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Spring Trip - Detroit Michigan

Our high today is projected to be 46°, but it's the lowest so far and should only increase tomorrow and the next day. Friday is supposed to even be sunny ????! Report forthcoming:

This slightly gray Wednesday morning was a later one because last night was also late: our team had the opportunity to host some of the students we've been working with in the spring break camp for a game night. Since this is the month of Ramadan and these students are fasting from food and drink until sunset, our game night started at 9pm last night and ended at 11pm! We played Uno, Spot It, Four on the Couch, and Do You Love Your Neighbor, while snacking on popcorn and cookies. It was really a fun time and all the students want to do it again!
Our afternoons working at the spring break camp have gone quickly and well. We are working with the middle school and older age group, participating with the activities and talking with them to practice English and increase their vocabulary. Each day, after arrival at spring break camp the students hear a story from the Bible, which are right now focused on the characteristics of God. Though all of our students currently are Muslim, their parents have allowed them to come and hear the Bible, and the students are engaged with discussion about who God is, who Jesus is. We are looking forward to two more days of spring break camp before having a chance to see some sights of Detroit and taste some Arab cuisine Friday.
Back at our base church our team has had good times of fellowship and praise and worship, as well as a few games. Our Michigan March weather has been medium mild, no snow and little rain, and we're looking forward to sun on Friday!