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Team Brazil is Working Hard!

It has almost been one week since we arrived in Belem, and a lot of progress has been made on the property. We have also gotten into a good routine, which has been nice.

There are several projects the team is working on including painting, pressure washing, digging a burn/trash pit and pouring sidewalks. The trash pit was completed in one day, and great progress has been made on the sidewalks. We hope to finish the sidewalks by Tuesday.

The team had an opportunity on Saturday to share with a church group that came to the property. They did a full presentation and then got to watch some of the visitors do a skit. These visitors were past team members from the former Teen Missions Brazil program. Following that, our team played different outdoor games with the guests such as soccer and volleyball. Yesterday, we went to two different churches, and the team shared their presentation. As you can see, we are working hard and trying to make the most out of every moment here. Lacey and Mary, along with our helpers each day, make sure the team is well fed. It is a joy to prepare meals for them!

We will work and have different things planned through Friday, then early Saturday morning we begin our trip back to Florida. Please pray for our team, that we will continue to be well, and for safety as we work and travel. We are thankful for the time the Lord is allowing us to be here in Belem, and we look forward to sharing more soon!

Team Testimonies:

June 14th we got to visit a church to do our performance. While there, the whole city had a power outage. We were told that the power outage could last an hour all the way up to a few days! We prayed, knowing that when the enemy attacks hard the glory of the Lord will shine forth the brightest. Through many false alarms, the Lord prevailed! We were able to do our performance and commune with the amazing people of Belem! It was a great turnout. Praise the Lord! Shout out to my family. Love and miss you guys! -∫

We have been doing well. I am on KP (kitchen patrol) today. We have been pouring concrete to make a sidewalk. I miss my family and cannot wait to see them again. We only have 4 more days before flying back to São Paulo.
Sincerely, Clint

Everything’s going well here with all the work we have gotten a lot done already. The sidewalk is being laid well and it’s doing pretty well. I hope everyone’s doing good at home. I miss you all!

Hey, I’m doing good so far, but I was sick yesterday with a 100 to 102 fever. I’m doing good today. Hey Big Mama and Grandmama and Granddaddy Mike and Granddaddy Ellison!
- Jesse L. (Leaders’ kid)

Brazil (24001) Photo Album

Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
By: TMI Staff
Brazil Photo
By: Brazil Team Leaders
One Last Day in Belem
By: Brazil team Leaders (13)