The Preteens Final Week in Honduras
Hello to all our family & friends!
It has been a wild and busy last couple of days here in Santa Cruz and we wouldn't have it any other way! The team has been going very strong and are truly enjoying the time of ministry. Everyone is saying how crazy it is that we are already looking at our last week in Honduras.
Our weekend was truly blessed as we were able to work a little bit on Saturday and in the evening play a game that Miss Sarah wanted to play called "4 on a couch". Because of our lack of couches here, the kids called it "4 on a bench". We had the enitre team playing, the leaders, and even some of the Honduran staff kids joined in! It was a loud and fun night.
On Sunday, the team enjoyed going to a new church and performing their presentation for the congregation in the morning. For lunch, the team had the opportunity to go out to a Honduran BBQ spot here in Santa Cruz and the kids loved it. We had most of the placed reserved for us and it was a joy to see the kids kick back while enjoying each others company. After a filling lunch, the team piled into the truck and did their last presentation for the summer.
This next week the team will be working Mon-Wed as they close out their project portion of the summer. Thursday will be a fun sightseeing day! Friday we will be packing up and cleaning up around the base. On Saturday, the team will depart from Santa Cruz for San Pedro Sula and have a afternoon of souvenier shopping before going to the Hotel for the night. Sunday morning the team will be waking up early to head to the airport to start the trek home for debrief.
We wanna thank you guys for the prayers as we have been blessed in more ways than you could imagine! Our team is healthy, safe, and in great spirits. Please continue to lift us up as we head into this last week here. As leaders, we want the kids to maximize the time and enjoy each other as they serve our amazing Savior.
Here are some specific things that you guys can be praying for as we go into the weekend:
1. That the team would finish strong in every aspect of the trip
2. A heart of gratitude for everything the Lord has done
3. The kids continue to grow in their relationships with Christ
Here are some words from some of the kids:
"The people are nice. The food is amazing and God too. God has shown everyone He can do everything." - Luke V
"I love the people and God has been so patient with me. It has been so much fun." - Rivers E
"After having a hard struggle through my life, the Lord called me to Teen Missions. From here, the Lord has spoke to me in many ways. Honduras is very cool and enjoyable. I love how the natives are very polite to outsiders." - Hakim H