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The team is doing very well out here in Nakabango village.

The team is doing very well out here in Nakabango village.

Since our last update the team has begun work on their project! They are clearing a path to begin the foundation and construction on the continued security wall at the TMI base.

They’re working hard at clearing out old chainlink fence, bushes, branches, and full on trees! The students and staff at the base have been a huge help to the team on the project.

I’ve really enjoyed seeing them interact with the staff and students each and every day.

Saturday afternoon the team was able to help the Circuit Riders with two of the circuits and their Sunday school programs. Half of the team stayed at the base with Ms. Emily and Ms. Lane, while the other half walked with Mr. Judah and Mr. Spencer to the Forest Newland Rescue Unit. Needless to say, the team had a BLAST! All I heard for the rest of the day was, “when can we do that again!?”.

On Saturday night the team had the opportunity to have a game night with the BMW students. We all met in the Tabernacle and played several games. The crowd favorite was ‘Never Have I Ever’. We learned a lot about each other that night and had so much fun laughing together.

On Sunday the team visited a local church and was able to share a presentation with them. We had testimonies from Ellie D and Jonathan S, plus a wonderful sermon from Mr. Spencer. Each of the kids said they LOVED church, especially the worship time we had together. Singing songs not only in English, but also in Swahili. A small part of the team was able to go with Ms. Lane to help with the children’s church. They had a great time doing songs and puppets and sharing some Bible stories.

After church the team spent a good amount of time on their memory verses and quizzing! We have some pretty accomplished quizzers on the team, who are looking forward to Debrief quizzing.

In the evenings before bed we have our evening devotions together. So far we have heard a devotional from each of the four leaders, and tonight we will hear from count-off number one! Shannon S. The team and leaders each enjoy this time together where can worship, share together, and laugh. Each night we do our best to share “highs and lows” from the day. A highlight and low point from each day, but you always have to end on the highlight!

The weather has been very nice here! The mornings and evenings are pretty cool. The days get warm/hot, but nowhere near as hot as Florida! One day so far we have had rain, which made up quite a lot of deep, red mud! If there’s one thing Uganda could be known for, it is the red dirt!

Uganda arrived at Debrief
By: Teen Missions Staff
Farewell Uganda!
By: Uganda Team Leaders
Hello all!
By: Uganda Team Leaders