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The Uganda team is finishing strong!!

The Uganda team is finishing strong!!

The Uganda team is finishing strong!! Medically everyone is doing great!

The team is doing amazing. They're working together super well. The kids are beyond excited to be commissioning in two days!
I asked the kids to write me a few short sentences about their Boot Camp experience so far. They were excited to write something to you all. Hope you enjoy hearing from them, they miss you.
"Since I have come to boot camp I have a perpetual layer of bug spray, and under that I have a layer of sweat that never seems to leave. I am looking forward to Uganda honestly because we are hoping for beds there." -Josiah B

"While Boot Camp is far outside my comfort zone, I'm learning to love God through the simple things. Also, I really need a shower." -Anna P

"I love camp. Hope to see y'all at the airport (with food)! I enjoy steel tying and hope to see God's will for me." -Kayla C

"I'm doing good, but I'm happy it's almost over. I'm super excited to get to Uganda. I know it will be so worth it. God is already doing so much in my heart and on our team. I can't wait to see what He'll do on the field." -Ellie D

"My experience at boot camp was overall positive. I was often pushed out of my comfort zone and the days were often long but when you're surrounded by God and your team I was surprised how much I could accomplish." -Eden T

"Boot camp is very fun so far. The downs are lack of sleep, bugs, and heat. Overall every class is fun and useful. I can't wait for Commissionsing." -Liam H

"It's not a walk in the park. From the heat to the bugs. But some days it can be fun hanging out with the team and doing classes." -Josiah M

"Boot Camp has been an amazing growing experience for me. It's helped me strengthen my relationship with Christ. I also have an amazing team!" -Rebekah M

"I'm really exhausted, but I am enjoying myself so far. I've made a lot of great friends. I also really love the food here at boot camp." -Ava P

"I'm happy I came and met great friends. I like the food. I miss my bed." -Leah L

"This camp is fun at some points, but it is also difficult at some points. God will guide you through it, but if you feel like God is calling you to something, go with God." -Colby P

"My time at the Lord's Boot Camp has been incredible. Everyone here is so nice, and have such passionate love for the Lord and missions. I will always cherish my time at the Lord's Boot Camp." -Manny H

"I love Boot Camp! I am tired, gross, and lost my voice! I love rallies and hanging out with my team. I'm learning a lot both physically and spiritually. I'm super excited to go to Uganda!" -Elianna M

"Boot camp has been very beneficial so far. Many aspects of the Lord's Boot Camp are not easy, but I know it is preparing me for the field. I am grateful that I get to attend TMI because it is bringing me closer to God." -Jonathan S

"My time at boot camp has improved. As hard as it was, it was a great learning experience." Max V

"It isn't exactly paradise, but I didn't sign up for comfort. My team is doing better on the obstacle course and we are really coming together as a team. I can't wait for commissioning and the field. Love you fam!" -Donovan T

"So far my time at boot camp has been decent (to a certain extent). I mean the mosquitos are bad and waking up to itchiness can get some getting used to. But the Obstacle Course and the Rally are really fun." -Missy N

"All in all it has been a fun and amazingly refreshing Boot Camp (compared to last year)!!" -Jackson W

“Boot Camp has been amazing! Today was the last day of the OC, which was said. But I’m so excited to go to Uganda to serve the Lord.” -Shannon S

Uganda arrived at Debrief
By: Teen Missions Staff
Farewell Uganda!
By: Uganda Team Leaders
Hello all!
By: Uganda Team Leaders