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Things are going well in Tanzania!

Things are going well in Tanzania! We arrived on Monday night and had Tuesday to settle in. The kids are enjoying the breeze off Mount Kilimanjaro at night in their tents, as well as the view! They’ve gotten lots of time for bath and laundry, practicing verses and preparing for today (Wednesday) when we got to go do our first presentation and clinic!

We went to a secondary school about thirty minutes away and when we arrived there were lots of teens waiting for us. The team did their presentation, which included puppets, and singing, Elly gave a short testimony and Hope led our “sin chair” skit.

After that, we got to do a clinic for the first time. In the two hours we ran it, we had over thirty people come through, do eye tests, and get fitted for new glasses! You could tell that both our team and the teens there were so excited and blessed! We had Amy greeting the teens as they came in, we had Chloe running our “pharmacy” where the glasses and other tools are handed out, and we had teams of two that did the actual eye tests, those included: Adeline and Addi, Katelyn and Caden, Mari and Clara, Owen and Fiona, Grace and Abbi, and Sarah and Hope. They all did very well!

Another cool thing that happened today was that we got to meet the elected village officials! In Tanzania they don’t have chiefs anymore, so instead they have elected leaders. He and another leader came to meet us today at the base and take pictures. It was a cool and unique experience for the team. We are awaiting Rynn and Carly’s arrival today. They will be flying in this evening! We are excited to have them! We are also hoping that Elena's bag shows up with them.

Please continue to pray for us as we continue to work clinics and evangelize to the local community.

Pray for the team as they work and grow both in the community and in their walks with Christ.

Pray for the leaders, for energy and to lead well, as well as for Ms. Elena’s bag which was missing in travel.

“Tanzania is so beautiful. I had fun working in the Pharmacy. I’m growing my faith. The Bananas are good and our team is great.” -Chloe N.

“Tanzania is very beautiful. We just had our first clinic yesterday. I love being able to see and help the people here.” -Sarah L

“Tanzania has been amazing so far. We did medical clinics yesterday, it was very cool seeing people that had really bad vision be able to read with glasses on. The weather is great and the locals are nice.” -Fiona R.

“Tanzania is very beautiful and the people are nice. We got to see Mt. Kilimanjaro and it is so majestic. I love it here!” -Clara W.

“I’m feeling great about Tanzania. Having lots of fun serving the Lord.”
-Caden M.

Tanzania (24006)

Greetings from Tanzania!
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (9)
We’re doing great in awesome Tanzania
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (8)
Hello everyone!
By: Tanzania Team Leaders (7)