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Today is Sunday, and it's hard to believe we only have five more days until Commissioning Day

Today is Sunday, and it's hard to believe we only have five more days until Commissioning Day! In one week, we will be at the airport to begin our journey to Brazil!

Everyone on the team is doing well. It has been drier than when they first arrived, much warmer and very humid! They have been working well together, enjoying their classes, and overall, have a great attitude! We are reminding them as leaders to stay hydrated. One of our leaders, Corey, makes sure they're doing well, health-wise. He keeps a check on their feet to make sure they're staying dry and blisters are under control.

It has been fun seeing their excitement at the rallies, especially when finding out we placed first running the Obstacle Course (OC) a couple of times and being the second cleanest team one night. Most of all, it's been a joy to witness how the Lord brings them together during worship as they sing praises to the Lord! God is doing great things with our team and all the others at Boot Camp, It is obvious He also has something great prepared for us in Brazil as we see the Lord move mountains in their lives. Please continue to pray for each of our 15 team members, five leaders, and one leader's kid as we go through the next four days of classes and begin packing out to prepare to leave for Brazil next weekend.

We have five testimonies to share in this report and hope it is a blessing for you!

Hi, we are having a great time. The food is great, and we are learning a lot.

It has been really fun. We are all learning more about God. I have grown so much. I've noticed more and more how much I need God. God has put missions in my mind, and I have been enjoying getting to know my team. I hope everyone is doing well.

This camp is packed with so much information, but the biggest thing I've learned so far is that God wants to heal us from everything in our past before we pour into others. This camp is humbling in more than one way. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
-Cristabelle R.

Hey everybody. TMI is officially one of my favorite places to be! I have grown so much in these few days. God has taught me a lot, and I've grown spiritually. Say happy birthday to Tim and Maggie, Mom!

God has blessed us with a cooler start than normal. There have been plenty of breezes and minimal rain. It has been getting warmer, but I count every drop of sweat and every bug bite as an honor, and I am proud to carry them for my King. One of our teammates was going to have to leave to fix her passport, but as the team prayed, the message came in that the problem could be fixed from Boot Camp. So she can still come to Brasil with us, praise the Lord!

Brazil (24001) Photo Album

Teams Arrived at 1st Debrief
By: TMI Staff
Brazil Photo
By: Brazil Team Leaders
One Last Day in Belem
By: Brazil team Leaders (13)