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We are speeding through the last days of Boot Camp.

We are excited to have had contact with some of the Colombian staff we will be working with and even had some run the Obstacle Course with us.  Joseph and Niccey had been working with us on our Spanish songs also.  We have been learning so much from singing, to puppet songs, to the gospel message in drama and ways to share the gospel.  We have been learning to communicate with each other effectively and with kindness.  It was encouraging, as we had kitchen patrol yesterday, to hear from the staff that we have worked the hardest of any teams to clean and help serve the camp. The team worked efficiently to clean the bathrooms also and enjoyed a fun swim in the pool.

We are glad to report that some of the illness we have had are improving and other than some blisters, we are doing great physically.  God is good and a gracious healer!  

We are excited to be getting ready to serve on the field and as a great team! We are excited to have the privilege to bear up the whole camp in prayer through the day tomorrow, in the Prayer Closet. A team member will pray each hour from 8 to 4. What a great opportunity as we are all about to be launched around the world for the sake of the gospel!


Mayah E. says "It has been so great to get closer to God at Boot Camp.  The tough training is fulfilling the goal to help us grow.  We have struggled on the Obstacle Course as a team and have been disqualified for various reasons, but we keep growing and celebrate that today we didn't DQ. I am grateful for what God is working in all of us and it is sweet to see in the worship time at Rally and in our team time at night as we pray for one another's growth and struggles."

Jonah M. says " I am really learning to rely on God for my strength and trusting in him alone.  I am learning to be willing to listen with my whole heart to God and be obedient to what He says."

Colombia (24010)

Our last report from Colombia :(
By: Colombia Team Leaders (13)
It’s the final countdown for Colombia!
By: Colombia Team Leaders (12)
Colombia Photo and Videos
By: Colombia Team Leaders (11)