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We have reached the homestretch

We have reached the homestretch

Even though this is our last work week in Iceland, this is by far the week that we have been working for, because Kotmot starts on Thursday night. Kotmot is the largest christian event in Iceland and what our team have been preparing for since the beginning of our time here. Sunday afternoon was our last church service here in Iceland and Maciah B., Blaine M., Donavan C., Gracie B., Aliyah T., and Mr. Gabe all had the chance to participate in the band for worship, with Paul J. Running slides. It was very exciting to see them get the chance to use their talents to lead this church in worshiping the Lord! After worship Charity M. and Gio M. were given the opportunity to share their personal testimonies, followed by a sermon given by Mr. Mike. Sunday afternoon the team practiced quizzing as they do every week, and they are starting to get pretty competitive. That evening our hosts, Kristjan and Margaret prepared for us a traditional Icelandic meal, where we had lamb, caramelized potatoes, gravy, rhubarb jelly and many other side dishes. The team was absolutely thrilled at the beginning of the meal, and absolutely stuffed by the end of the meal. It has been an absolute pleasure to be able to experience much of what Iceland has to offer!

This week the team will be hard at work putting the finishing touches on preparations for Kotmot. On Wednesday we will be moving out of Skalinn and into our tents where we will be staying for the remainder of our time. On Thursday evening people will start arriving and the real work will begin. Please continue to pray for our team and pray that they touch the people here in Iceland, by spreading the love of God to each and every person that they encounter.

Time on the field has flown by so fast. things are looking really good as we are getting closer to Kotmot. The team has been working very hard and we are getting excited. A few days ago we went to Reykjavik to see the city. We got to go to this vintage store, along with other shops and buy gifts for our families, this was my favorite day so far. I'm not quite ready to leave yet, but I’ll be excited to be home. -Lauren M.

While being in Iceland I have been able to appreciate the break from the world to grow closer to God. It is also encouraging to see our team bond through the projects that we have completed. I feel comfortable with almost all the team members and look forward to staying in touch after we leave, so I can hear about how God continues to work in their lives through this shared experience. - Nathan V.

For me it has been awesome to see every task given to us just disappear in record time! I have also enjoyed the fellowship this team has and the time with God. I am continually amazed at all the things God is doing in people's lives.Right now everyone is excited for Kotmot and preparing for whatever god has next. - Nathan L.