What a Sunday!
Hello from the Uganda team! It’s been a fun past few days and I’m excited to update you all.
Since our last update the kids have continued working hard on the wall. More trenches are being dug for the foundation and LOTS of bricks are being laid to build up the wall. We have different crews out on the worksite. Some are dedicated to mixing concrete, some are doing digging for the foundation, some are brick layers, and some are bucket haulers (for sand, water, rocks, and more). The kids are doing amazing. It’s so fun to go out each day and see their progress.
On Saturday the kids worked in the morning, and then spent the afternoon working on their evangelism presentation for Sunday. They also had some time to catch up on their ever growing pile of laundry and play with the kids. We also sent them to bed early for some much needed rest! (Leaders included ;))
Sunday was SUCH a fun day. We went to a local church outside of Jinja. It was around a 30 minute drive and we got to cross the bridge that goes across the source of the Nile River! It was cool to see. Once we arrived we had to get out of the bus and climb up a hill (small mountain really). We were greeted so warmly by the church members. We enjoyed watching some special dances and songs. Then the church choir got up and did an AWESOME performance for us. It was so much fun. The kids shared their presentation which included a fun rendition of ‘Yesi Ni Wangu’ which the church loved. They were all singing and clapping along with us. With lots of whoops and shouts included.
We then enjoyed hearing a sermon from Mr. Judah. He preached on Philippians 4 and did a wonderful job. There was even one lady who was visiting the church that gave her life to Christ. After the service we met an American family who attends and runs a nearby school. After talking with them (they were very impressed with the team’s polished presentation!), they asked if we would be willing to come to their school and share with the over 300 kids who attend. We of course said YES! We will be going this coming Friday to share with them. All of the team is VERY excited.
After church we came back to the base and had a quick lunch, and then the team got to work on their memory verse reviews. This took a lot of the afternoon, but they got it done. After dinner, the team did quizzing, guys versus girls! Spoiler, the girls won. But they all did an awesome job! We have some great quizzers on the team.
During evening devotions we have loved hearing from count offs 1-7 (Shannon S, Kayla C, Anna P, Colby P, Donovan T, Josiah M, and Elianna M). It’s so fun getting to know each team member more and hear about their lives and how God is teaching them. We also love doing ‘Hot Seat’ questions. The kids can come up with some pretty inventive questions.
Many of the kids who previously had colds are doing much better! We are very thankful.
Overall, the team is doing great! All the kids send their ‘hi mom and dad!’. They miss you all, but are so happy to be in Uganda.