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Your kids have been at boot camp for over a week now and

Your kids have been at boot camp for over a week now and

Your kids have been at boot camp for over a week now and it's flown by. We started off last week with getting settled in and Boot Camp Orientation. The kids were excited to officially start boot camp. The team has settled in well with each other. There is the expected tiredness and sore feet but they keep moving! Rise and shine is at 5:30 every morning and by now they are out of their tent and ready to go within 8 minutes. By 6:06 we are lined up to run the Obstacle Course (OC), the kids generally love the OC. All the team members have conquered the slough and the Wall. Remember to ask them about these two obstacles. After the OC we eat breakfast then have our daily 30 min devotional. The kids have classes all morning and before you know it, we head to lunch. More classes then laundry and/or bath at the lake. The kids have been able to enjoy the pool at least 3 times. We have dinner around 5:20 and then the rally is at 7:00. I hope you all have tuned in to see them at the daily rally. We are all very excited that boot camp is almost over and we will head to Honduras.

I asked your kids "what is your favorite part of Boot Camp? Here are their responses:

Alyssa "All of the staff and leaders are really nice."
Ellie: " I love the people and my team (including the leaders)!"
Sarah: "I have enjoyed making friends."
Cara: "I like meeting all the new people."
Gavin: "My favorite part is meeting new people and making friends."
Rivers: "I really like making new friends and trying new things."
Justice: " My favorite part is the classes that let us move around" (Carpentry, Digging, Concrete)
Sebastian: " I liked the milkshakes and pizza."
Hosea: "I liked the milkshakes and pizza too."
Jae: "I really like the physical classes."
Isaiah and John: "I like the obstacle course" ( they both said the same thing, Isaiah especially likes the slough).
Luke: "My favorite part is the food."
Mason: "I like the Sunday service at the lake"
Hakim: "I liked adjusting the first few days, I like carpentry, they trusted me with a saw, and the food is really good.

We are enjoying our time with your sweet children. We are thankful that you are trusting the Lord and you've sent your kids here with us. The next few days will be busy preparing for leaving. Please continue to pray for them and specifically for spiritual growth.

We will write from Honduras at least once a week.

Tricia J. - Honduras PT female leader.

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