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Zambia #1 report

Hello from Team Zambia!

Things are going well here in Wangibasha! It’s been a little difficult to get reports/messages out because of how remote things are! To reach a good signal area is quite the drive. However, things are going very well out here! The team is healthy and doing so good.

They’ve begun their clinics for medical and eyeglasses and they’ve been traveling out each day to do them the team has gotten to do lots of EV as well at each of these clinics! The team switches back and forth between medical and EV that way each person has the opportunity to do both. They’ve talked with and seen lots of different people. I know it’s been hard for some of the team to see people in such need and hurting. However, we’ve been able to share the love of Christ with them with the help of translators what a blessing!

While on base (where we are staying), the team has had the opportunity to interact with the TMI staff and students here! The Bible school students here shared some beautiful songs with us and a powerful message from Philippians. We, in turn, were able to share with them and sing some songs! We also heard a wonderful devotion from Esther M. from 2 Corinthians. We’ve also enjoyed our different classes together as a team: Mr. Kyle has done a great job leading the Bible study on the “Sermon on the Mount”. The team has been learning and absorbing lots from the book of Matthew! We have also enjoyed our separate time as guys and gals in our “GGs” studies. God’s Gentlemen and Growing in Grace for the ladies. Lots of fun conversations! The team has also rotated the responsibility of KP. Helping the ladies in the kitchen cooking and cleaning. Yesterday (Friday), Miss Emily, Cory S. and Grace M. helping on KP and they became tortilla making machines! Over 140 tortillas were made! The entire team has been enjoying them!

Today the team has another clinic but this time a little closer to where we’re staying which is nice! Tomorrow we will go to a local church in the village and share a presentation!

We will be here in Wangibasha until this Tuesday (16th). We will then travel to a Rescue Unit a little closer to Ndola, called Lufwanyama. We will be there doing clinics for around three days.

Overall, things out in the bush have been going very well. We’re “roughing” it out here and having a blast!

We love our daily fires and head lamps and solar lights. God is working and moving and we all are thankful to be a part of it!

Zambia (24012)

Zambia has settled in at Debrief!
By: TMI Staff
The Zambia team has arrived safely in New York.
By: TMI Staff
One final hello from team Zambia!!
By: Zambia Team Leader (12)