Welcome to Teen Missions in Cameroon!
History & Ministries
Teen Missions in Cameroon is located outside of Bamenda in the northwestern part of Cameroon. Tom and Linda Maher began the Teen Missions ministry in Cameroon after their summer team in 2002 and property was donated at that time. The Bible, Missionary & Work (BMW) Training Center was also started in 2002. Four Rescue Units have been established, reaching the needy and orphaned in remote areas.


1—Boot Camp

1—Bible School

4—Rescue Units

11—Sunday Schools
The Land & People of Cameroon
Endless plains to the north, mountainous terrain in the center, and tropical rain forests to the south: Cameroon is a geographically diverse country. Not only is the land diverse, but the languages and cultures are also as well. Though French and English are widely spoken, there are over 280 other languages and dialects spoken by about 500 ethnic groups. There are around 19 million people living in this West African country, of which 42% are younger than 15 years of age, with a life expectancy of 48 years. The religious structure of Cameroon is composed of 40% Indigenous beliefs, 40% Protestants and 20% Muslims. Cameroon is a combination of two former colonies – French Cameroun and British Cameroon – which merged in 1961 to form one republic. The capital city is Yaounde.