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Meet our Team.

There are 500+ full-time staff missionaries with Teen Missions.
We are serving on 4 continents.

We've obeyed God's call to disciple youth and train the next generation to make a difference now. We are sharing the Good News worldwide as we show His love by helping those in need.

If a commission by an earthly king is considered an honor, how can a commission by a Heavenly King be considered a sacrifice?       — David Livingstone
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SERVING IN MALAWI—Miscious and Stella Tsukani are the Country Coordinators for Teen Missions In Malawi.
Trey and Mary both grew up in a small town in South Carolina, and after marrying in 2007, were blessed with four children: Sadie, Clara, JC, and...
SERVING IN SOUTH AFRICA—Robert, from Blountstown, Florida, first encountered Teen Missions as a Preteen team member in 1989. After going on several...

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