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Shonn & Lori Foy

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Shonn grew up in Nashville, IN, and at the age of 13 felt a strong call to full-time Christian ministry. After 4 years in the USMC he attended Bible College where he graduated with a BS in Pastoral Studies/Missions. During this time, he met his wife, Lori, while they were both serving as counselors at a Christian summer camp. Lori grew up in Michigan, attended Bible College and graduated with a major in Secondary Education. Shonn and Lori have always actively served in their local church serving in children’s ministry, music, as Sunday School teachers, and Shonn as a Youth Pastor, Deacon and Elder.

Shonn was employed for 25 years with a Lutheran ministry providing support to individuals with intellectual disabilities. Lori worked part time as a Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) and secretary at the same company.

All four of Shonn and Lori’s children went on multiple mission trips beginning in 2004. Their son, Jesse, attended the TMI Bible school. Their daughter, Erinn, spent a year on staff at TMI working in the Graphics Department.

In 2010, Shonn and Lori volunteered with their two daughters during Boot Camp. Then, in spring 2011 they completed First Step, a potential staff orientation and led a team to France in summer 2012 as volunteer leaders and joined staff in October 2012. While at Teen Missions, they were involved in various aspects of the ministry and spent nine months “on the road” raising support for the Motorcycle Sunday School Ministry. They lead summer teams to Ecuador, Northern Ireland and Shonn lead an MSSM team to Cambodia with daughter, Katie.

In October 2015, God called them to the ministry of Jericho Hills Camp in Lucas, IA, where Shonn was the Director for seven years. They continued to have ties with TMI and they hosted a TMI Preteen team at the Jericho Hills Camp in the summer of 2021.

In the spring of 2022, God made it clear to Shonn and Lori through many circumstances, that they were to return to do ministry with Teen Missions International. Shonn and Lori rejoined the staff at TMI on January 23rd.  Shonn is the VP of Advancement, TMI mud run Race Director, and is providing oversight for the Conference and Retreat Center.  Lori is his Administrative Assistant and is working as the publications Coordinator.

Their favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight.

The Foys have four children, four ‘bonus children’, and six adorable grandchildren; Shane (Jodie- Quinley); Katie (Chris-Piper, Theo); Jesse (Ema – Emmaus, Silas, Simon) and Erinn (Ryan)

  • Shonn: February 18
  • Lori: March 30
Anniversary: June 7