Trey and Mary Watts

Trey and Mary both grew up in a small town in South Carolina, and after marrying in 2007, were blessed with four children: Sadie, Clara, JC, and Ellie. After growing up on his family’s farm, Trey has had a 17-year career in the telecommunications industry. Mary left her career as a bookkeeper shortly after the birth of their second child and took on the job of stay-at-home mom.
The Lord has allowed them to be involved in missions in a variety of ways over the years. Growing up as a preacher’s kid, Mary always remembers having missionaries visit and has fond memories of her time spent with MK (missionary kid) friends. Trey has been blessed to be able to take part in several overseas mission trips. It was after one of these trips that Trey shared with Mary how God had placed a desire in his heart to serve in full-time ministry. They began praying about how and where God could use their family.
Their home church has had a connection with Teen Missions International (TMI) for many years. Trey and Mary, however, had never been on a team or even visited TMI until January 2022. After that first visit, they knew the Lord was leading them to find out more about the ministry so they attended First Step, a week-long potential staff orientation, in March. Through much prayer, they knew TMI was where the Lord was calling them. Trey and Mary have both enjoyed working with the youth of their church for many years, serving in various roles. They have a desire to see young people boldly following Christ in their everyday lives as well as to be a part of the global church work. They believe Teen Missions combines their hearts’ desires for both of those things. They are looking forward to whatever adventures the Lord has in store.
Trey - April 11
Mary - November 19
Sadie - January 12
Clara - April 20
JC - December 10
Ellie - May 15
May 19