Honduras Hurricane News
May the Lord continue to bless you.
Hurricane Eta has greatly affected the Honduran territory. We are grateful that the Lord has had careful watch over everyone at the base and that we have not been directly affected. For a short while, we did not have power, but over time we were able to get access.
Wednesday, Marquez suffered an accident while repairing the leaks in the roof of the classroom. Eleazar took him to the emergency room where he was examined and discharged that night. When they attempted to leave they were unable to due to the flooding between San Pedro Sula and Santa Cruz. The hospital had to be evacuated to shelters in San Pedro Sula. Thursday, the team that was in San Pedro Sula continued helping with the evacuation and distribution of food in the most affected areas of the hurricane.
Friday, in Santa Cruz, the other students and volunteers went to the Municipal Collection Center to deliver food, clothing, shoes and to join the efforts to prepare and distribute food to the shelters.
Saturday morning Eleazar and the others returned from San Pedro Sula and then went to the community of San José de Oriente. They helped clear rubble, recover homes affected by the landslides, and search for missing people.The ladies stayed at the base helping prepare lunches to send to the Pimienta shelters and dinners to be sent to the Municipal Storage Center. We also worked on baking stuffed bread and other meals to be delivered on Sunday at the shelters.
Sunday, Eleazar and the team were working on opening the road to the community. The women in Santa Cruz worked to deliver food, clothing, and shoes to San Pedro Sula.They also worked on the preparation of 600 pancakes to be sent for breakfast.
God has been faithful in providing everything necessary for us to be able to help those in need. We have also been making some contacts to raise funds to continue with the aid. We give thanks to the Lord.
Thank you for praying for everyone involved in Hurricane Eta.
Ana Andrade
The Container Arrived!!
Covid-19 Relief Ministry in Honduras
(321) 453-0350
885 East Hall Road
Merritt Island, FL 32953
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