Mansa Base Continues Ministry—BMW Reopens
We are very grateful to God that we can still carry on with the work of the Lord and we have been facing a lot of challenges as a ministry here in Mansa, but the good Lord has been faithful to us. We are still in the Corona atmosphere, but we thank God there has never been any case reported in our province. The indefinite quarantine period had a negative bearing on our ministry as we were in obscurity of normal ministerial operations.
We opened BMW school on the 28th June, 2020. We have been abiding by the national laws and the Head of State made announcement of opening all Higher learning Institutions which affected us. Thereby we did not waste much time because we were working against the clock of our schedule. We thank God so far so good and the Lord is helping us run smoothly without complications.
Much of our activities during the quarantine was construction. We are done with most of the construction assignment given to us. We have remained with minimal activities just to finish up, mainly painting, ceiling and wiring. We are thankful to God and to your our head office and are indeed grateful.
Our gardens have scored success in maintaining onion this season. We had cabbage, spinach, Chinese, and okra which has been eaten up by the Rescue Unit’s goats. We tried to fence the gardens but it seemed like never was enough. Thus we have now cabbage, rape and tomato on nursery. We hope and trust that we’ll be able to reinforce the grass fence we erected.
Mnistry has suffered as we wouldn’t be allowed to go and reach out, as the curfew was softly lifted we were involved with Shadow of Heaven Ministry who invited us to help their youths plan for “youth Sunday.” We had an incredible moment as we took over the service and a lot learned about us that day 14th June 2020. A lot of young people were inspired and got involved in the work for our Lord Jesus, there has been reports that from that time we helped them. A lot of young people are now active and eager to serve God in their own capacity.
The Mansa and Kabuta Units have been involved with construction projects during the quarantine. The Mansa Unit has been working on the poultry which is almost done and half way has been roofed. The Kabuta Unit had the Boot camp toilet which needs more resources as it is hanging on the slab level, had also the granary for storage. They also worked on the Circuit Riders’ house at Mukwakwa. We are glad to report that the work has been accomplished. Both the facilitators and Circuit Riders in Mansa and Nchelenge (Kabuta) were involved in all works related to BMW, and maintaining shelters as well as helping few kids more especially those who have exams to do this year.
We are thankful to God that our nation has not been hardly hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, thus we have our normal routine going. In all things we give thanks to the Lord who makes us triumph over situations and circumstances. Thank you so much for your support, thank you so much for showing us the way. God bless you.
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