Thank You!!
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. I would like to show my gratitude to everyone who has poured into my life. From those at Teen Missions to my supporters who support me financially, spiritually and physically. Thank you for standing by my side by paying my school fees over the years and for providing me with needed school supplies.
I am currently in the 9th grade and have been studying fervently so that I may pass the national examination. These examinations take place every November. This past year I became very sick with malaria and would have died if it had not been for the medicine that Teen Missions provided to me. I am grateful for the kindness Teen Missions has offered to me.
They have not only shown me their kindness, but also the love of God. During one of the monthly camps held I was able to give my life to Christ. Ever since then I have been able to see His direction for my life, and I know that He has a plan. I am blessed to have Teen Missions as my family, for I have no relatives except for my mother. I will continue to work hard at my school, and to live for Jesus. Thank you for your support and prayers.
I would like to thank you for your support! The last few years of my life have been difficult for me; early on my father passed away. This was very difficult for my mother and me. We were unable to acquire school supplies and some basic things we needed. Soon after my father died, my mother also died. This left me an orphan with very little hope for my future life or any future education. But I thank God that Teen Missions now supports me. I came to know the Lord during a monthly camp that is held. I now have the ability to read the Bible and grow daily in God. Over the years I have learned to trust the Lord for everything. I have been blessed to continue my schooling, and I work very hard at it so that I may become a missionary when I am done. My goal is to become a missionary and to help my fellow orphans because I have felt what it is like to lose parents. I pray that the Lord would richly bless you and your family.
Thank you for allowing me to learn and grow in the Lord. I lost both of my parents when I was very young, I was so young that I cannot even remember them. I praise the Lord that he has been my father for all of these years.
Your support has allowed me to learn about God, also to send me to get a good education. Your support has allowed me to pay school fees as well as buy books and all school supplies. I have seen many people who even though they have both parents are not able to go to school due to the fees. I know that I am truly blessed to be able to go to school and not have to worry about fees and uniforms. I love school, I would like to complete school one day and go on to become a police officer and to maintain law and order.
Once a month I can attend a camp where I am able to see my friends from the Rescue Unit. We are taught to garden and grow maize. Thank you for changing my life for the better. I pray that God would bless you as much as you have blessed me.
Feed Zambia Now (3)
Feed Zambia Now (2)
Feed Zambia Now
(321) 453-0350
885 East Hall Road
Merritt Island, FL 32953
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