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And It Is Cool And Rainy...

And It Is Cool And Rainy...

Greetings from cool and rainy India. We are surprised at the drop in temperatures which makes it so much more comfortable. Having been to India several times during the summer, I cannot remember experiencing rain like we have this summer. A couple of the boys learned a lesson in that they need to bring in their church clothes to dry before Sunday morning if they are still wet from the rain. We are enjoying the cooler weather, but we would like for our laundry to dry!

We are continuing our work project of painting several churches in our village. One group drove a ways to where Teen Missions In India is holding a Sunday school ministry. They are building up the area around the building as it is in a flood-prone area.

The team enjoyed playing volleyball last week. A few of our team members are really good, but most were schooled by the nationals. The team continues to be entertainment for the many children who come by to see us frequently throughout the day. The team is eager to put on their boots and go outside to play with the children. We are praying that we are making an impact for Christ in this village.

We were scheduled to visit three churches again this past Sunday, but the third one was cancelled at the last minute. The team did a presentation at each church. They sang, did a drama and also puppets. Elijah preached the Word and did a great job!

Speaking of Elijah, today was his 18th birthday! We enjoyed celebrating Eli and we are all so thankful for him being on this team. We all enjoyed his chocolate birthday cake that was made by KP, Ben and Faith.

And speaking of Faith, she is still missing her bag. Please pray that it will be found before we leave! We would love to have it this week, so we could enjoy the bacon that is packed in it and I am sure she would love to have her own clothes!

We are in our last full week in Vijayawada. Time is flying by so quickly. Although the team members are excited about returning home, they are trying to savor these moments together as a team.

The team has been healthy for the most part. There have been a couple of stomach issues that usually last 24 hours. We are making sure they stay hydrated, well rested and well fed.

Thank you for your prayers! We know God is not only working in each of our lives, but also in the lives of those surrounding us. We are determined to finish strong.

Now a word from some of your loved ones:

Hey Friends and Family! Life has been moving along slowly here in India, but with God's help, I have been making it through. I have been learning a lot about servanthood and submitting to His will, I've definitely grown a lot in my faith and cannot wait to see ya'll. - Diego

Hey Guys! So far, India has been amazing! We are surrounded by a small village with amazing people. I love going out and sharing Christ with them. I cannot wait to see the new things God has for us! Love, Aiden

Every day presents itself with its own blessings and challenges. I am pressing on showing that I am doing what I have been called to do. I am often confused, but will not become discouraged knowing the battle is already won. - Josiah

Hey Everyone! Things are amazing here in India. I couldn't have asked for a better team! The unity on this team is amazing. I have made so many good friends and I thank the LORD every day for them. The ministry and work here is going absolutely great. The kids are really enjoying the representations. The work is primarily scraping paint and white-washing the local churches. And I am so grateful for all the work and evangelism opportunities that the Lord is providing us with. I only wish we had a little more time with the people here that we have been sharing Christ with. Before I came here, I was so nervous and didn't know what to expect, but after being here and seeing the national's hospitality and experiencing a lot of what they do and how they live, I love it and would definitely stay here longer if I could. - Jack

I am so blessed and grateful to be a part of this team! Although India wasn't my first choice, I couldn't imagine going anywhere else. I adore it here, the people, the clothing, the taking off of shoes before entering a building—it's all so wonderful. We have had challenges, yes, but it is barely a bump in the road with this team. I am surrounded by mature, positive and strong leaders—all 16 of them (not counting our actual leaders), all willing and capable to go and serve the Lord! - Melissa

Here are some photos:

This is our last report from Vijayawada.
By: India LDT Team Leaders
The sun is back out and the temperatures are climbing!
By: India LDT Team Leaders
Greetings from India, where it remains hot, hotter and hottest.
By: India LDT Team Leaders