Greetings from India, where it remains hot, hotter and hottest.
We are continuing to paint the local churches and that is going well. Due to the heat in the afternoons, we usually practice for our presentations, have classes and free time. We have Grubby to Grace and God's Gentlemen on MWF evenings, so we plan our evening EV opportunities for TT and Saturday evenings. We have had a good response from the singing, testimonies, dramas and puppets. The language barrier is great, but our God is greater and the team has been really good at conveying the message of Christ at these presentations. Raj (the Coordinator) has been very helpful with arranging the presentations and interpreting for us.
On Wednesday, we took the day off and traveled to Machilipatnam where we saw the Bay of Bengal. We also visited a Kalamkari factory. Kalamkari are a type of hand-painted or block-printed cotton textile products using only natural dyes and there are 23 steps to each product. It has been in existence since the Middle Ages. The team enjoyed spending their Rupees on Kalamkari tablecloths, napkins, sheets and clothing. Following our visit there, we returned to Vijayawada (about 1 1/2 hour trip) where we all ate at a KFC. And right after that, we visited a store where they stocked up on snacks, ice-cream and drinks. Because there are refrigerators in every "apartment", a lot was purchased.
The team just left to go down to the center of our village to play volleyball with the national young people. It should be a fun time for all!
The kids continues to bond as a team, are interactive during our Bible studies and GG classes, reach out to the local children and make the leaders laugh, A LOT! We are thankful for each and every one of them and how they have enriched our lives.
Here are a few testimonies:
Hello Friends and Family! Thank you, all of you, for your continued prayers. India is an incredible place; the people are so generous and so sweet. We are so blessed by them! I have really enjoyed doing street evangelism and painting some of the the local churches, as well as the little bit of sightseeing and shopping we have gotten to do. God is always good. He is doing great things in India! - Bethany (Every. Single. Kid. in this town knows Bethany's name...)
Hi Everyone! I am enjoying my time here in India. We have had many opportunities to share the Gospel in the village where we are living. Children are always outside wanting to talk with us and learn our names. Many of them visit us daily and so we are able to to form friendships with them. The culture is vibrant. There are very few rules on the road which makes driving exciting. There are water buffalo and cows everywhere. The nationals taught us a song in Telagu, the local language. I have loved growing closer to our team and am so thankful God put us together! I cannot wait to see how God continues to work in and through us this summer! - Abby
Hi, We have been in India for a week and a half and I have loved it! We have done seven presentations so far, which is a lot of fun. I gave the sermon in three churches this past Sunday. I have learned a lot from God and have grown closer to my team while I have been here, and I am super excited for the rest of the summer! - Caleb
Hi Everyone! India is more wonderful than I could have hoped. I adore the people of Kola ennu and working in the community. Meeting new children and learning their names every day is a definite highlight. My heart breaks for the lost when I hear the Hindu songs and Muslim prayers over the loud speaker (and yes, they also have a Christian message every day over the loud speaker). This is a constant reminder of India's need for Christ. Thank you for your prayers! Romans 12:2 - Mari