This is our last report from Vijayawada.
It has been a busy week. We did presentations in a different village on Saturday and another presentation in another area of our village (which was a short drive away) last night. Last night, the drama involved some from our team and some of the students. They also did the “children’s dance” that they have been practicing and did a great job! The people there had Sprite and Thumbs Up (their version of Coke) along with snacks for the team after their presentation. There were a LOT of pictures taken with the villagers. The students attended our last Grubby To Grace class this week!
The team finished up on the various projects that they had started in the area. The staff fed us a delicious lunch yesterday (Tuesday) and will be feeding us on Wednesday for dinner. The weather is back to HOT and sunny. It is great for getting our clothes dry before we travel. We have instructed the team to be careful what they pack in their carry-ons, unless they want to wear the same thing for the next four days...We all learned a lot from Faith’s “still lost bag”. We will be going to the airport soon for one last effort to get the compensation. We are praying that it will be at the Delhi Airport when we arrive! She has not complained once about this major inconvenience. Not sure I would have that great of an attitude...
Last night for our evening devotions, Raj, the Coordinator of Teen Missions In India, presented his testimony and how God brought him out of a very dark place in his life through the ministry of Teen Missions In India. It was a very moving testimony that touched all of us. Afterwards, they presented each team member with a plague. That was such a blessing to all of us. We will never forget our summer here in India, especially the people and the precious staff and students that we all grew to know and love.
EARLY tomorrow morning, we will have coffee cake and hard-boiled eggs, then devotions before leaving for the airport. We plan to arrive at the airport at 6:30 AM for our morning flight to Delhi (please pray for safety and that all of our bags will arrive!). We will be staying in a hotel for two days/nights (with a swimming pool). We will spend some time shopping in Delhi and will pack up and leave for the Taj Mahal on Saturday morning. We will go from there directly to the airport. Our flight for Frankfurt leaves at 2 AM and we will have about five hours there if the flight is on time. From there, we will fly directly to Orlando, arriving in the early evening.
You will receive a five-minute phone call from your kids once we arrive at the base, but it probably won’t be until the next day. Either way, please answer any calls from a 321 area code. The office will let you know on the website when we arrive.
Thank you for allowing us the privilege of having your children on our team. Words could never express the joy, laughter and love that we have experienced from each and every one of them. And to see the spiritual growth in the team members blessed our hearts. Please pray for us as we go through the process of “letting them go”. Goodbyes are so, so hard, but we would never trade this summer for anything!
Hi Everyone! We have been so blessed by the people here. The BMW students have given us many opportunities to learn new things such as an Indian dance, a song in Telagu and a game. A minor stomach bug has been going around and many of us had a day “off” to recover. Most of us are feeling better and are taking it slow. As we wrap up our time here in India, I am very sad to go but am joyful knowing we got to share the Gospel with so many people. Cheers! Megan
The last few days have been so much fun! As we come to the end of our time here in India, I can see all the work God has done through us. Throughout our time here, we have been able to bless the community and many churches through painting the churches, etc. There has been some sickness (me included), but I can see the Lord working through it all! I am so blessed to see God working in and through us! -Eli
Receiving the necklaces from the The kkeannll house was a blessing. I wasn’t able to convince Mr. Paul to let me stay in India and visit. We have had some down time which has given me time to think. If you feel like quitting, remember why you started. “Chasing” by NF. Cheers! Simon S.
Hi Everybody! It is crazy that the summer is almost done! I loved my time here, and I am sad to leave. The people are always so nice and thankful. I am going to miss the coffee breaks and will probably never like my other coffee again. I’m not going to lie, I really miss trampolines...We just finished our last day of work and will clean everything up tomorrow, so the building will look spiffy when we are done! -Huddy