Arrival Report
Greetings from Florida! We officially arrived at Debrief. It shockingly looks very similar to the field! Our travel was surprising uneventful and there were no delays in our journey. The team is relaxing by the pool and lake to help their jet lag recovery. They are all very grateful to have not lost any baggage on the way here. We are the first team to arrive, but overnight more friends should be arriving. After a tough field assignment the team is grateful for showers and ac-rooms. The mosquitoes are just as we remember them from Boot Camp and the base looks very clear from palm fronds! It’s been made very obvious that someone has been working hard on the base this summer. The kids send their love and are excited to see you soon!
With love, MKZ
Hello from the MKZF team!
It’s been a busy week here on the Teen Missions Florida base!
Hello everyone from the MKZF team!