As this week has gone by...
Praise the Lord that He has been working in amazing ways in each Rally every night. We have had several very engaging speakers that have challenged our team to stand up for what they believe and let go of anything that could hold them back from serving the Lord wholeheartedly in Australia.
This second half of Boot Camp has brought some different kinds of training for our team. As we were mainly working in construction classes before; we are now learning all about evangelism and the different ways we can communicate the Gospel while on the field. Our team has been working on developing our music, drama, puppets, and personal evangelism so that when we are serving in Australia we are equipped to teach through several methods.
Looking forward to the next few days as we only have three more days of Boot Camp! It is hard to believe, but we are already gearing up for Commissioning and our travel to Australia. For now, we are still chugging along and working hard to finish well, but once Friday comes we will hit the ground running putting away our tents, packing our duffels, and shifting our mindset from Boot Camp to the Field!
“In the past few days of Boot Camp, I’ve learned so much and have had the opportunity to gain a closer relationship with Christ. I’ve learned how to evangelize the Gospel to people in three different ways (Romans Road, 3 circles and the Wordless Book/ Bracelet). I’ve also been taught to do bucket laundry and how to use the puppets to share the Word of God with children.” - Zoe A.
“This week I have learned to know God more, and I have also learned to be more open with my team and not hide who I really am.” - Joshua G.
“I’ve learned to appreciate what I’ve have back home and how God can work in many different ways. Here at Boot Camp, you learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable.” - Wiley B.
“I’ve learned at Boot Camp that teamwork is so important. When you don’t work together you can’t accomplish very much.” Katie E.