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Greetings from Australia where kangaroos freely roam upon the beautiful grasslands

Greetings from Australia where kangaroos freely roam upon the beautiful grasslands

Greetings from Australia where kangaroos freely roam upon the beautiful grasslands! The poor creatures are not sure why there are so many people starring at them and taking pictures. This land is full of so much beauty.  The stunning white and yellow feathered cockatoos compete with the Kookaburras for the treetops by dancing and spreading their wings. Altogether, they sound like a bunch of laughing monkeys as they join in with the many other sounds  we hear every day. Australia is certainly filled with the wonder of God’s beautiful creation! 

We have been working hard to complete our projects at the TMI Australia base. We are close to completing the fire pit for the Bible School, painting the chapel, and building the new Jacob’s Ladder for the Obstacle course. 

On Wednesday, we went on a “bushwalk” that taught us about the indigenous local customs, plants, and wildlife. 

The team is growing spiritually each and every day as they spend time in God’s word. It’s awesome to watch the growth take place as leaders. One of the team members has been praying this summer to feel the presence of God.   She said just the other day that she heard God talk to her and felt a very strong presence of Him. Praise God!  We have witnessed these kind of testimonies throughout the trip. Thank you so much for praying!  Keep it up!  God is moving in the hearts of the team! 

“Your mind quits way before your body does, but that’s when you ask God to give you strength.” Elijah M.

“I have never been so happy being wronged so many times praise the Lord! 
P.S. MR. Aiden is a natural born leader!”
-Jessie F. (PJ)

“Mom, Australia is fun!  It’s been a great trip!”
-Case J.

Greetings from Australia team!
By: Australia Team Leaders
Australia Zoo will be long remembered!
By: Australia Team Leaders
Evangelistic Opportunities in Australia
By: Australia Team Leaders