Greetings from Australia team!
As we begin our last week in land down under, we are thankful for all that God has done here.
On Friday, we made more progress on our work projects here at the TMI base. We continued working on the fire pit for the B.M.W. students and started painting the historic chapel that was relocated to the property several years ago.
We hope to finish the new Jacob’s Ladder for the obstacle course next week when the supplies arrive. The team has been working hard and have made a lot of progress.
On Saturday, we climbed Mount Timbeerwah - a mountain that overlooks the TMI base. It was a tough hike through the bush (the Australians call it “bush bashing”), but the team worked together to navigate the rough terrain. Unfortunately, access to the mountain peak was closed. We took a few moments as a team to pray for the ministry of Teen Missions Australia and the local community before descending.
We attended 2 local churches on Sunday and had the opportunity to minister in the services with songs, puppets, balloons, and testimonies. After the service, we had a wonderful time of fellowship with the congregation over tea and biscuits. That night, we had a special dinner with the TMI Australia staff and their families.
As we start a new week, we plan to make the most of our remaining time here. We hope to finish our work projects, glorify God in our interactions with the community, and enjoy God’s beautiful creation!
“I have learned more about how to build things than I could ever have imagined. It has been really fun hanging out with my team and learning new skills. I have been growing closer to God and relying on him more and more.”
Gabe W.
“Being in Australia has been a life-changing experience. I never thought or knew that leaving your home would have such a large impact on how you think and feel. Learning more about building and working all the time has given me a great yet describable feeling that I will never forget.”
Elijah E.
“I never thought I would be in Australia. It has been amazing here working to build a fire pit, rebuilding Jacobs Ladder, and building a bonfire. This trip has changed my life for the better, and made me realize that I don’t have to do everything on my own. God is the top priority, and is always there for us.”
Jonas F.
“It’s been very encouraging to see myself and the team get better at the work. We are doing saying the project come along is very exciting.”
Elle J.

Greetings from Australia where kangaroos freely roam upon the beautiful grasslands
Australia Zoo will be long remembered!
Evangelistic Opportunities in Australia