Bison and Elks and Bears - Oh My!
Here we are folks, the final report from the project field in Montana! We are excited to say that we will see you all in a little over a week!
We have started to take a wrap on all of our many projects. Most of the dorms that we have been painting are coming close to being finished. There are only a few more spots that still need a coat of fresh paint, and need the final edge of painters tape removed.
We were blessed with many cherries from Love Inc. Over the last few days we have had a group of three or four team members working on processing the cherries. Due to the fact that they were seconds many of the cherries have spots on them that must be cut off. This has shown itself to be a nice break from the everyday grind of painting and moving rocks.
Tuesday the kids were blessed with their final opportunity to practice their evangelism skills. The final group was able to present to the Agape Camp Day Care. The group performed the same setup as the previous groups, with songs, dramas and puppets. The kids were quite interactive and loved the dramas. Sarah was able to present the Gospel message with the kids, she did a marvelous job incorporating the drama Colors into everyday and simple words for the kids to understand.
Candice’s Birthday was also on Tuesday. The team was very excited to celebrate with her. I do believe she got tired of people singing Happy Birthday to her. To celebrate Candice, Amiella made her a beautiful Chocolate and Cherry cake, which we ate after we broke open two piñatas. Candice had a great night! The team was more than excited to celebrate with her!
Wednesday the team was blessed with the opportunity to go to Yellowstone National Park. What an adventure this was. We left early (7:30 am) so that we could make it to the park before the main drag of tourists. Little did we know that everyone else had the same idea. As we rolled through the mountains the kids were excited to be able to see the first signs of Yellowstone. We spent the morning driving around looking at the multiple pools, hot springs and geysers. We were able to spend some time walking the paths in between some of the many hot springs looking at the sedimentary layers of the bacteria creating the colorful rainbow pattern seen in the water. During our lunch break we were able to watch Old Faithful erupt twice! The team loved this and was eager to watch it erupt both times.
After our fun time at Yellowstone we took the kids to the souvenir shop. The kids were able to spend some time finding some nice gifts and souvenirs. We ended our trip with an exit by Mammoth Hot Springs, although we were unable to stop, the kids were able to see the beautiful springs from the van windows. As we headed home we were able to see two bears, hundreds of elk and one Bison.
The kids are excited to be heading to Florida on Sunday. We are excited to head back and see what the Lord has in store for us at Debrief!

The Beginning of the End
Evangelism Work in Montana
Day of Rest, Day of Presentations.