Evangelism Work in Montana
We are heading into our final week and a half of being in Montana!
The team has been happily working on their many projects. Due to the number of projects we have going, the team members have been rotating through projects daily. The team's newest project is to paint yellow lines for the parking lot. They will love this because it gives them the opportunity to use spray paint.
This past Monday the team was blessed with the opportunity to minister to the Agape Youth Summer Camp. This has been the first presentation that the kids have been able to make that is outside of a church setting. There are three different opportunities for the team to be able to minister, so the team is broken up into three groups of eight. The first group of eight consisted of Matthew, Elijah, Mykah, Maddie, Amiella, Sophia, Emily & Audrey. The team got to practice some classic but fun kids songs such as, “Father Abraham”, “King of the Jungle” and “I Will Call upon the Lord”. Sophia was able to share the “Wordless Book” with the kids and explain the Gospel message with the kids. The youngest group ( 4-6) was not interactive at all. The team was rather discouraged by this. But the second group ( 7-9) was so interactive and knowledgeable for their age. They would talk and ask many questions, some of which the team was not prepared for. Overall “Group 1” did a great job presenting and adapting to the energy of the kids. The rest of the groups will have the same opportunity to minister to another two sets of Agape Youth camp kids this week and next.
The team has been able to have some fun this week. Matthew has sat through two different hair cuts this week. First Emily tried her hand at his hair, and Audrey cleaned up his original cut. Matthew was less than ecstatic when the girls tried to teach him how to part and style his hair.
This past week the team has been blessed with the opportunity to hear Mr. Micah and Mrs. Christa’s testimonies. The team has been greatly encouraged to hear the many joys and trials they have experienced in and through working for the Lord.
Team Testimonies!
“It has been a lot of fun and hard work. We have painted several dorms and finished a lot of the rock projects. It has been really bonding with my teammates and I have gotten to know them much better and have made many friends” - Maddie
“The work has been going well. We have painted and cleaned many dorms. I am doing well” - Ellie
“Work has been exhausting. Finished all the painting. I am starting to appreciate the child, Joel. He is the sweetest. Mrs. Christa and Mr. Micah shared their testimonies, and it is so encouraging hearing their stories of the lives of the people we are staying with.” - Trinity.

Bison and Elks and Bears - Oh My!
The Beginning of the End
Day of Rest, Day of Presentations.