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A chill is in the air here in Montero!

A chill is in the air here in Montero!

Praise be to God. 
We all awoke this morning to actual ‘winter’ in Bolivia. A nice, crisp 64 degrees! With lots of wind and some rain. It has been so refreshing and we’ve been bundled up all day long. 

The team has been doing super well these past few days, and making a lot of progress on the work project. Today, because of the rain, the team has spent a lot of time inside of the church working on steel tying for the pillars that will soon be going up. The kids have done a wonderful job on laying the foundation! It’s looking so good! They have accomplished 2 of the four pillars and plan on finishing them in the morning.

This past Tuesday we enjoyed celebrating Mr. Eli’s birthday. He helped out in the kitchen for the day, and got lots of ‘happy birthdays’ from everyone! This weekend we will celebrate Addie D’s birthday which we’re all looking forward to. 

Things on the kitchen side are going well! Tomorrow we will have made it through all of the team, and then we’ll start back over. Everyone has enjoyed KP and being able to assist the lady leaders in cooking. They also love being able to make line-up orders for meals! This morning was ‘most bracelets to least bracelets’. They can get quite creative! 

This weekend we have some more evangelistic opportunities on the horizon. Saturday we will be sharing at church in the evening and then we will share with three different churches on Sunday! We’re super pumped for it!

The team has continued to enjoy their daily Bible study on the book of Philippians. They seem to really be learning a lot from it. We pray that they can continue to apply these truths to their lives, knowing that the Word of God doesn’t return void. 

Here’s some testimonies from the team!

“Hello, I have been enjoying Bolivia so much! I have gotten to know a lot of kids and it has been really fun. Something God has been teaching me is to rely on Him to provide and for everything I have taken for granted. I can’t wait to apply everything I have learned to my life at home.” Josiah W.

“Hello! Our trip so far has been amazing! Meeting the people here and experiencing their hospitality has probably been my favorite part. The smiles of all the kids here are so sweet! Trying new foods has also been pretty fun too. We’ve been able to do a few presentations as well which has been very enjoyable. The other day we started laying bricks at our work project! I am super grateful to be here and I am excited to see how the Lord will continue to work through this trip!” Addie D.

“Hey everyone! I hope everybody is doing well. Our time in Bolivia is going great. The people here have been so sweet and have welcomed us with open arms. The school project is going great! This past weekend we got to go to a couple of the churches and did presentations. We got to see and meet so many cute kids. I can’t wait to see what amazing things are in store for us!” Naomi S.

“Life’s been good in Bolivia! I have really enjoyed all the opportunities for evangelism we’ve had and all the work we’ve been able to get done. I have definitely seen God at work, and can’t wait to see what He has in store for the rest of our time here.” London B. 

“Working in Bolivia has felt very productive so far! God’s enabled us to work diligently at our worksite during the week, and to share the Gospel at various churches on the weekends. He is working powerfully in our team in so many ways!” Larissa R. 

“Hello from Bolivia! We have been working very hard at the worksite on the footer. We’ve done lots of evangelism and have definitely left an impact on the kids here. I’ve learned a lot about Jesus and can see how He’s working through me and the team here in Bolivia.” Bizzy S.

“Hello! Bolivia has been lots of fun, I have had a lot of chances to grow closer with God. It has been fun to meet and dance with the locals! I am having a fun time at the worksite and hanging out with the team! I am so excited to tell everyone all of the fun stories and the wonderful ways God has worked through us this summer!” Becca W.

“Hey everybody! I hope everyone is doing well. Bolivia is so much fun! I am having lots of fun being on a construction team. We are making lots of progress. Tell Taryn Mr. Judah said I’m his favorite. I love you all, I miss you (and brownies) very much and I cannot wait to see you all again. Also I am covered in red brick dust.” Jocelyn W. 

“Hola! Life in Bolivia is getting so fun now that we have gotten to see more of the city! I got to try a few native foods which have all been delicious! My favorite part so far has been doing a particular presentation in front of probably 200 people where everyone was dancing to super loud worship music. We really got to see some fun Christian culture. It almost feels like we’re famous because we travel all over to do presentations and then the kids want pictures with us or want us to sign our names! I’m having a lot of fun. Also, our work project is coming along pretty well. Me, Lauren, Bizzy, Jocelyn, and Florence had a gorgeous brick assembly line too! Okay, love you all! Hugs and kisses!” Sylvia K. 

“Hey guys, it’s been really great here in Bolivia. The weather has been wonderful to us and also on the worksite we have been blessed with easy soil. My favorite part so far has been going on Sunday to help teach young kids and getting to talk to them! Very excited for our next presentation but also can’t wait to go home and see all my family and friends! Love and miss my parents lots.” Lauren P.

“Since the moment we stepped foot in the beautiful country of Bolivia, God has been blessing us. After arriving at the project site we were met by a beautiful, shady open site with few obstacles in the way of us getting right to work. The work has been going smoothly with unity in the work force. The locals are very welcoming and kind. The host home has been very comfortable and above and beyond hospitality.” Andrew P.

“Hello! Things are going great here in Bolivia. We have been making a ton of progress in our construction work site. Mr. Judah said he sets a standard everyday at the worksite and we always pass the standard. Our team is not only great at team work but also as a team. I honestly feel happy I chose Bolivia. By the way I am a pro at laying bricks now.” Carmen M.

Brazil Team Arrived at Debrief Safely
Brazil pre-packup report!
By: Brazil Team Leaders
Hello from team Bolivia!
By: Bolivia Team Leaders