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Buenos Dias from Team Bolivia!

Buenos Dias from Team Bolivia!

Wow, what a busy last few days we have had!! This past weekend absolutely flew by, but we had so much fun! 

This past week of work has been going very well. The team has finished their layout and digging the foundation. They also worked on sorting sand and brick for the foundation. We’re super proud of their hard work and progress! To God be the glory!

On Saturday, the team only worked in the morning because in the afternoon and evening we had two different evangelism opportunities. After practicing their presentation a bit, we headed out to the church where we are building them a secondary building. We enjoyed doing a presentation for many children in the neighborhood! They especially enjoyed the puppets. Our team loved and really got into learning their national dances here! It was a blast. The church and kids were thankful to hear a testimony from Sylvia K as well. 
After this, we made our way to HOT BURGER! The kids were overjoyed to say the least. We all enjoyed some yummy burger and fries and fellowship. When we finished up with dinner we went to  a large Christian meeting that is only held once a year. We were so privileged to be able to share with them! Here, we were able to worship in song with the band and also learn some more national dances. The kids once again did their presentation, but instead of puppets, they did their second drama and it was super impactful to many in the crowd. So amazing. Overall, our Saturday was so much fun! After getting home a little late, we went straight to sleep. Many of them all tuckered out from their dancing! 

On Sunday we were up bright and early to get on a larger bus to drive two hours to a church in San Pedro. We were helping the church and the org. we’re working with here to run a kids day camp. After we arrived we enjoyed a lovely breakfast they provided to us of pastries and tea and coffee. We spent the day all spilt among the different age groups helping to teach Bible stories, basic healthcare, sports, and crafts. We were also blessed to share lunch and dinner there as well. Everyone was so kind and welcoming! The team got to share their presentation again with their Spanish songs and puppets. The kids really enjoyed it!

After this, we made our way back to Montero and met with a different church for a SECOND dinner! Overall, we had wonderful fellowship yesterday and lots of wonderful Bolivian food! God is good!

This morning, the team spent time catching up on the things we weren’t able to do over the weekend. We did our verse reviews, quizzing, Bible study, and guys/gals time. This afternoon they are out at the worksite and beginning to lay bricks for the foundation! 

Overall, the team is doing well and thriving! They worked super hard this past week and weekend and we as leaders are so proud of them. 

The weather has been very rainy throughout the night and day! Lots of humidity and warm weather. We’re praying for the rain to stop as many of us need dry clothes! 

Please enjoy some testimonies from the team!

“Hola everybody! This trip has been so much fun. From meeting a pastor in Panama’s airport, to playing with kids at a Bible school. We have seen God work faithfully. We have already come close to finishing the footer! The people of Bolivia are very kind and open to us.” Ben M.

“Saying hi from Bolivia! I am having lots of fun here with my teaming the locals. Our work project is coming into place and today we started laying the bricks for the foundation. We have hit some speed bumps though, such as rain and metal splinters. But you can’t come into any situation and expect to not be tried. Overall, God has been good.” Kaleb H. 

“Hey from Bolivia!!! This trip is life changing, it’s crazy. I love it. God is great, He’s given me energy to keep going.” Jae P.

“Hey y’all! While being in Bolivia the team has had amazing opportunities to go evangelize in local churches and tasting their great food! I’ve been blessed myself because I’ve gotten to connect with the Lord and feel His presence in my life for the first time. Overall, these past weeks have been the best weeks of my life and I feel like what our team has done has made an impact on the locals and children we have met! We’ve been working very hard and are excited to see our friends and families again!” Florence G. 

“Howdy, I survived the Lord’s Boot Camp. I really like our team, we get along well.” Isabella T. 

“Hi everyone. The missions trip in Bolivia is muy bien. Work on the school house is progressing quickly, and it has been great to be so involved in several churches/Christian events. It is so great to be part of presenting the Gospel to children and adults alike.” David D. 

“Hey everyone, I love Bolivia so much. The people here are super sweet and fun. I loved going out to do presentations and sharing the Gospel. I can’t wait to see what God is going to do here in Bolivia and in my life.” Bea E. 

Brazil Team Arrived at Debrief Safely
Brazil pre-packup report!
By: Brazil Team Leaders
Hello from team Bolivia!
By: Bolivia Team Leaders