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Bula! We have arrived safely to Fiji and settled in!

Bula! We have arrived safely to Fiji and settled in!

We are loving the beautiful property and weather here.There are coconuts, grapefruit, lemons, and sugarcane all around. Matthias has been showing the team how to open and eat the coconuts. The beautiful Sleeping Giant mountain makes a gorgeous background for our devotions and Bible studies. Our God is truly an artist!

We have started our work project by clearing a path to continue the fence line. The property line is on a hill, which is making it tricky. There are several stumps and lots of brush to be removed. We also began preparing one of the dorms here to be painted. We pulled out the beds and washed the walls to prep for paint.

The day we arrived, the nationals cooked lunch and supper for us. They roasted chicken in the ground over a bed of leaves, onions, tomatoes, coconuts and garlic. It was delicious.

Since we couldn’t bring any meat into Fiji, we had to buy it all here. KP has been kept busy preparing, cooking, shredding, and freezing meat for me! Addison and Sarah did two whole chickens for me today!

The team is looking forward to being able to leave the property and interact with the locals at some schools. We have plans in the making for that outreach. The team has also been enjoying showers. No more bucket bathing! However, there have been families of toads interrupting their shower time, but they still prefer showers to lake water!

From the team:
Caleb O.- Hey, Fiji has been great, the temp has been amazing. Everyone Is working hard, some of us are tired but we’re having fun. Love y’all

Evie V.- We made it to Fiji! We are having a lot of fun, we took out first showers in two weeks. We have made friends with the frogs.

Fiji Team Arrived at Teen Missions
By: Teen Missions Staff
We are working hard and playing hard here in Fiji!
By: Fiji Team Leaders
Serving the Lord here in Fiji is a blast!!
By: Fiji Team Leaders