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We are working hard and playing hard here in Fiji!

We are working hard and playing hard here in Fiji!

After cutting the poles to size with an angle grinder, the team used a hammer drill to make a hole to place them all in our footer. They did a great job with all of the power tools! Dawson M., Michael M., and Josh D. have been working together to use a welder and weld the poles together. As I type, the last pieces are being put together. The only thing left to do is add the chain link and secure it! We are so happy to be leaving behind more of a fence than when we arrived! Our dedicated painters are now putting all the nice new green bunks back where they found them. The camp is looking good and ready to house more groups!

Not to be overshadowed by the work crew, KP has been working hard kneading dough, chopping fruit and veggies, cleaning, and cooking! Just yesterday, Peyton B. and Elijah R. made some delicious Stromboli for the team. Though it was a challenge for them to put more pepperoni on the Stromboli than in their mouths, they did a fantastic job. With the over abundance of bananas here, KP has also helped to make several pans of delicious banana bread!

Monday night, we had our team banquet with our guests of honor, Mrs. S and her family. KP and the lady leaders whipped up a yummy meal of breakfast for supper: eggs, hash browns, ham, sausage, juice, fruit, and LOTS of cinnamon rolls! When our guests arrived, the team surprised them with a song and continued to serenade them while they went through the line for their food.

On Wednesday, we set the tools down and had a day experiencing the island life! We took a 45min boat ride to a little island called Beach Comber. It took about 7minutes to walk around the entire island. Some of the kids even swam around it a few times. During our day on the little island, we went snorkeling, saw sea turtles, played volleyball, ate lunch, swam, and just soaked up some sun! (Some of us a little too much sun!). It was such a relaxing and enjoyable day. Sarah D. was mesmerized by the snorkeling experience! We are continually amazed by the beauty of Fiji. The incredible blue water, colorful fish, and sandy shores sprinkled with pieces of washed up coral will leave a beautiful picture in all of our minds that we won’t soon forget!

Fiji, our experiences here, and the many people we have met have left a permanent mark on our hearts. We only hope that we have also left such an impression on those that we have served these past few weeks. Today and tomorrow, we are wrapping up a few projects and packing our bags, preparing to leave this beautiful place behind. I know that our team has grown spiritually through their time here and I look forward to seeing how their futures are impacted based on their summer in Fiji.

From the team:

Ellie H.- Bula! So much has happened in the last few days! We have made great progress in both of the main projects which is great fun, but not as much fun as the time that we got to got to the beach this week. I got to play beach volleyball all day with the team and I only got a little crispy (only the second time ever on this trip, Mom and Dad would be so proud ;D). I look forward to seeing everyone in a few days! Love y’all so much!

Geli R.- hello, Bula!! I’m supper exited to see every one. This summer was supper eventful we did lot of things like the fence which we are finishing now, and one of the dorms we painted the bunk beds. And we did lots of fun thins too like the beach and snorkeling. I miss you so much mom and Rose see y’all soon.

Peyton B.- Hi mom, Dad, Haley, Jordan, Daniel, and more this has been really fun I have learned lots but one of the main things were how to be on my own without family love you all!

Reese C.- Sup y’all! Greetings from Fiji! It is so beautiful here and I’m gonna be really sad to leave! This summer has been an amazing, eventful summer and it’s flown by very quickly! We have been working hard today to get the last of the fence done and paint the last of the beds. It’s been busy but I wouldn’t change a thing! A few days ago we went snorkeling in the clear waters of the Pacific Ocean! I was awe struck! It was the coolest thing ever! I love Fiji so much and I’m not ready to go home but everything is going to have to come to an end sometime! Im just grateful for the opportunity I got to minister to the people of Fiji! Love y’all and miss y’all! Can’t wait to see y’all in a few days! Bula!

Fiji Team Arrived at Teen Missions
By: Teen Missions Staff
Serving the Lord here in Fiji is a blast!!
By: Fiji Team Leaders
The footer for our fence is completely poured!
By: Fiji Team Leaders