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Serving the Lord here in Fiji is a blast!!

Serving the Lord here in Fiji is a blast!!

We have had so much fun the past few days.Friday night, we had another fun night with a local youth group. We had a curry supper together followed by Bible trivia and a devotional from Autumn B. She did an amazing job sharing her testimony and pointing us all to Christ. After that, we played tug of war and volleyball with ice cream to end the evening. Our team has been clicking well with this youth group and friendships are forming.

On Saturday, we walked a mile to a little village to evangelize to the kids there. It was quite the hike with lots of steep hills and rocks to trip over. It was well worth the effort, though. Our team did a great job putting to use all of the evangelism skills they learned at Boot Camp like kids songs, puppets, drama, balloons, and sharing the wordless book. After Elijah R. explained to the group what every color represents, our team handed out wordless bracelets and mini books to the kids. We also have gospel tracts to a few adults that came to join in the fun. I saw several of the older ladies sitting and reading the tracts and heard some of the little kids repeating back to our team members what the colors on their bracelet stood for. God’s Word was definitely being spread through the Fiji team. Praise God! At the end of our time, we played severa fun games and just simply fellowshipped together. A few of our girls got fancy hairdos. It was a sweet sweet time that came to a close all too soon.

On Sunday, we went back to the first church we visited. It was nice to reconnect with the people and the youth group one last time. The boys wore their new skirts, as did the girls. After the service, we had a pizza party with the youth group. There was a LOT of pizza.

Today, we are back to work, working diligently to try and complete our project before going home. Blocklaying the fence row is finished and now the team has begun putting in some of the fence poles and filling the cinder block holes with concrete. Painting the bunk beds continues as usual.

From the team:

Michael M.- Hey it’s Michael it’s going great here the weather is nice and the fence is about finished we’ve been mixing a TON of concrete and on Saturday we went into a village and did some evangelism that was a blast playing with the children and making balloons and passing out wordless bracelets. Yesterday all the guys on the team wore sulus (dress skirts) to church so it was weird and fun at the same time. Yep so it’s going good here love you guys.

Dawson M.- yo Fiji has been awesome so far, we’re close to finishing our fence project now which has been pretty difficult lately and this is our last week here so that’s exciting and sad I guess, love you all.

Fiji Team Arrived at Teen Missions
By: Teen Missions Staff
We are working hard and playing hard here in Fiji!
By: Fiji Team Leaders
The footer for our fence is completely poured!
By: Fiji Team Leaders