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BULAH! Only nine more days of Boot Camp!

BULAH! Only nine more days of Boot Camp!

BULAH! Only nine more days of Boot Camp! Last night at rally, our team started the "Ten More Days" chant until all of Boot Camp joined them. They have been more creative with their team cheers in the past at Rally, even having done a cheer to the tune of the Farmers Insurance's jingle.

Though the days are long and busy, our team has found their groove and adjusted well to the schedule. Yesterday they got the pool after cleaning the bathrooms, which was a very refreshing experience for them all. Two days ago, our team participated in Run From the Devil against the Tanzania team. Some were hesitant about the game, having never heard of it before, but they all had a blast. Eijah ran further than I have ever seen a team member do before! It was fun seeing their competitive, fun-loving sides come out!

So far, we are learning carpentry skills like hammering and sawing, Drama skills, blocklaying, steel tying, and music. Our tool belt of skills is filling up quickly so that we can be fully equipped and prepared to serve others and share the Gospel in Fiji.

After supper, the team members have free time until the Rally starts. During this free time, the teens can go to the Boot Camp store, interact with other teams, walk around and just hang out. However, last night, most of our team stayed in our eating area because they were having so much fun with each other. They were making "human tables" and just simply having good clean fun. Lots of laughter filled the seating area. It was a treat to watch them bond and come together like a family. It may seem like an insignificant story, but I wanted to share it because it is just one example of how our team is truly warming up to each other and coming together.

From the team:

Breanna A.- Hey mom and dad! I am having so much fun other than the mosquitos! Everyone is so nice. Miss y'all!

Michael C.- To anyone reading this, Boot Camp is not that bad. The food is great. Classes are good, including Drama for sure. The only negative thing is the heat and the tent is hard to sleep in because you are sweating to death. Other than that, Boot Camp is great.

Fiji Team Arrived at Teen Missions
By: Teen Missions Staff
We are working hard and playing hard here in Fiji!
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Serving the Lord here in Fiji is a blast!!
By: Fiji Team Leaders