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DR has arrived safely!

Hello everyone!

Tim P, one of the leaders for the Dominican Republic trip here. I’m pleased to announce that we have arrived at the DR and everyone is happy healthy and safe.

The last few days of Boot Camp were pretty tough, but we managed to make it through. The last day of OC was leader day, and together we managed to get 12 people over the wall, our personal best. We helped take down the OC and most of bootcamp to prepare for commissioning. We cleaned up the books of the Bible obstacle as well as our tent site. It was a little sad to see the site empty, but we all agreed that we were looking forward to not sleeping in tents anymore.

Thank you to everyone who visited us at commissioning, the team was thrilled to be surrounded and prayed over by friends and family. We also managed to really get our act together and ended up being tied for first place in Mrs. Piggy's cleanliness check. Everyone lit their commissioning candles, and we thoroughly enjoyed the snacks that parents donated for us while we waited for our bus to the airport.

We spent the night at the airport then had our flight to the DR the next day. Everyone loved being able to grab some shake shack for lunch and enjoyed being in the AC for most of the day. We made it through the travel portion of our trip with no complications, and are all here at our site in the DR safe and sound.

Some of our team members were asked to share about these experiences with you:

Neil W:
The trip is going very well we get on a plane today and went to the DR then we got our bags and then we went in the bus to the camp after that we ate some food chicken and then we took a tour around the camp.

Matthew W:
So far our trip is going really well so first things first boot camp was fun and interesting and now we are in the DR and I am loving it I'm also making lots of new friends so it's going really good and I can't wait to make more memories from here!!!

Daniella S:
The courses and classes at bootcamp were really fun and I learned things like carpentry and how to lay blocks. The commissioning was beautiful and something I will remember forever. We are now in the Dominican and I can't wait to see what God has planned for this trip.

Hey Mom and Dad,
We made it to the DR! It's been great so far, the food is amazing, there's flowers all over, and I'm so happy to be here. I love you guys and I can't wait to tell you guys all about it when I see you guys again.

Elena S:
The commissioning service to end off bootcamp was amazing. Our team is headed off to the airport ready to serve for God's Kingdom.

Hey Mom hey Dad,
I'm doing alright in case you're wondering. I miss you guys so much. Boot camp went by really fast. I can't wait to see everyone when I get home. Tell the boys and Anointed I love them!


Dominican Republic (24002) Album 2

Dominican Republic (24002)

Dominican Republic Report
By: DR Team Leaders (12)
DR is traveling
By: DR Team Leaders (11)
Greetings from the DR team!
By: DR Team Leaders (10)